Reviews for All In The Way You Say It
rocketshippergirl chapter 1 . 7/22/2014
This story was really good and very well kept in character! - You got Balalaika and Chang's personalities spot on, and I applaud you for that
racerabbit chapter 1 . 3/14/2013
Very very nice! I could tell not using chang's name must have gotten straining after a while. Loved the inner thoughts balalaika had - so in character for her to imagine ways to kill him, beating the heart mashine or or just poke his eyes out when she had the chance - so like her! I l loved the dialogue at the end too _ and the kiss XD SOO wish that was cannon!
blackdaw chapter 1 . 7/25/2012
I like it was about as sweet as I could picture Ballalaika being. So I don't feel it was too out of character. I really wish there was more for this pairing. Keep up the good work and feel free to write more for this pair. :)
Gramnegative chapter 1 . 6/6/2012
Wonderful job. Balaliaka may have been slightly out of character, but excellent nonetheless. Look forward to reading more of your work.
Technomad chapter 1 . 2/11/2012
Not a bad story, but I have a hard time believing that the Triads would have left Boss Chang alone and unconscious in a room with Balalaika. Other than that, it was a very interesting look into Bala's mind.
MarshalZhukov chapter 1 . 1/30/2012
and this is one of the rare gems that keep me coming back...not just to this archive, but to the entire site. This alone makes the time I send here all the sweeter. You have a spectacular way of getting into Balalaika's head, and I am superbly pleased with how it turned out.

I expect we shall have words, but Secret now has an unofficial rival in you for my attentions should you wish to pursue this archive further.

Grammar all correct (as far as I can see) a few minor tense gaffes as Secret noted, so I will not go into them. All in all, your English professor must be very pleased to have you for a pupil.

Draco38 chapter 1 . 1/16/2012
Very good Kuroida!

I loved it and would like to see more out of you in this story line.

Only thing I found was 'I loud beep' I think should be 'A loud beep'. If I'm right be sure to fix that in your non-BL story so you will not lose grade points.

Again great work!
unkeptsecret chapter 1 . 1/15/2012
This fic is AH-MAZING.

I have tried and failed to write this well from Balalaika's POV, and I just can't get it right. I keep trying to make her more human than she is, but you nail her murderous impulses and her unnerving ability to turn off her emotions. You have tight lock on her perspective, and the immediacy of the present tense suits her narration. The double hit of 'delicate' is a masterful touch. I really wish that more BL writers had your level of control and restraint. That it's a Balalaika/Chang piece, of which there are so few in the archive, is the icing on this tasty fanfic cake.

It's no exaggeration to say that I am wholly impressed!

My only nitpick is that some of the story slips back to past tense a few times in the beginning, and I don't mean the exposition bits.

(Thanks for the shout out, too. You didn't have to do that, and I am honored that you did.)