Reviews for Laughter
HappyoneNYC chapter 2 . 1/6/2015
Great job! I would love for this To continue but I understand. You did great. I'll follow this just in case you decide to continue it
Dragonfishpie chapter 2 . 7/15/2014
This may be PWP, but this is the most in-character way of getting them together that I've read. "She did not doubt the love, the loyalty, or the strength of this man." In fact that whole paragraph nails it. She's not going to misread or be uncertain of his love, not in season 4. And with her strength and determination? It's always been that the only way they could happen is that she would decide "to just surrender to the army of one that has laid an unwavering siege against an impenetrable wall."

And the first time slow? Pfffth. Like that's going to happen, with the raging inferno between these two, for which they've needed all their combined efforts to keep [almost] under control.

Not to mention the story is hot! hot! hot! and just sexy as hell.

So. Definitely a keeper. xo
Guest chapter 1 . 6/24/2013
So good. So very, very good! I can completely see the sweet stares and yearnings on their paint a beautiful picture..
Twyger chapter 2 . 10/25/2012
Dear Mojor,
"Holy Batman" is right! You write very hot "M" chapters ... thank you. I can picture this entire thing in my head, it is that detailed. The restraint in the cab and Castle's reluctance to rush things - so in character that he wants to be sure that she is sure and that there will be a tomorrow. Thank you for sharing your talent. Headed to find your more recent stuff - I like to start in the past and more forward with their story. Thanks again and enjoy your summer down under, Twyger
Tony7323 chapter 2 . 9/14/2012
Wow Now that was Amazing and very EROTIC too MORE PLEASE ...
firtree chapter 2 . 8/3/2012
quite well written! hot and sweet with just a sprinkling of angst. well done!
Polly Lynn chapter 2 . 6/16/2012
Nice! I love a good angsty fic as much as the next gal, but I'm also a big fan of stories that are about how fun these two are together. Love that it's a celebration of a win here that brings them together.
nolesome chapter 2 . 3/4/2012
Whew! That was some hot stuff, and incredibly well written. Thank you!
linka53 chapter 1 . 3/3/2012
If you still need a Beta, I'd be happy to do it for you.
pealee chapter 2 . 2/25/2012
"Holy Batman, Castle"...Prefect. Sums it all up!
mogu73 chapter 2 . 2/4/2012
Very nicely done. Can't believe it's only your first, I enjoyed it very much.

Thanks for sharing.
rigger42 chapter 2 . 1/30/2012
Well. *fanning self* Very hot. I love how you kept the reactions so much in character so that it was definitely an encounter with not just any couple, but THESE two people.
Krist0526 chapter 2 . 1/29/2012
OMG, this was so hot! I think I enjoyed it more than I should have. I mean, holy cow! Usually I'm not the one to comment on such stories, but I can't get over it just yet. Had to let you know that I'm in full surrender after reading this piece.

by all means, write more about them!
CrazyNinjaChicks chapter 2 . 1/22/2012
love it :) great job!
lyssa414 chapter 2 . 1/20/2012
Oh wow. That was sexy. And hot! :-)

Write more, please?
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