Reviews for Playing the Fool
autumnfierystar04 chapter 3 . 11/2/2013
I am loving it so far :D
laurajslr chapter 12 . 5/28/2013
Great story, and a really good take on his fake suicide! Thanks for writing!
Riya Morut chapter 9 . 4/27/2013
Great chapter; I loved seeing Irene! But did I miss something? When did John bully Sally?
Riya Morut chapter 5 . 4/27/2013
I felt you did a great job with this chapter; it didn't seem any choppier than usual, and the flow was good. Molly was VERY in-character, and I think your version of events makes much more sense than others I've read.
Riya Morut chapter 4 . 4/27/2013
This chapter right here has done more for my sanity than a hundred repeats of TRF. Those little clues, "I'm a fake," they all fit so well once you made sense of them!

I'm really enjoying this so far. Thanks for sharing!
marye chapter 12 . 3/13/2013
Great story! Thanks for writing it!
Starkid191 chapter 12 . 3/9/2013
Oh my god. I just had the worst image of Tom Hiddleston running round the hospital staff room shouting DECAFFINATO at the top of his voice whilst replacing all the coffee.

I think I may need help. Screw that, I definately need help.

Great story :)
hjohn302 chapter 12 . 1/16/2013

Just read it all in one go and I love your take on the post-TRF. Really great job! I'm working on my own right now, and just starting to publish - and you're right the ending is the absolute hardest part... trying to get that to come in for a landing smoothly and with good resolution is near impossible! Still trying to finesse mine into some semblance of order.

You did a great job with the end. I love this last chapter, I giggled out loud at work to read the reaction of Mrs. Hudson. Beating him with a fruit basket, indeed! LOL

Love it!
theblonde2243 chapter 12 . 12/27/2012
read both of them in less than 24 hours. loved them to death! YOu planning on doing a sequal to this even though Moffat hasn't released the date of the new season yet?
HarnGin chapter 9 . 11/13/2012
Sherlock rickrolled Irene?! Hilarious!

When did Sherlock learn that bit of pop culture?
Guest chapter 12 . 6/29/2012
Thank you for your excellent story. You kept Sherlock and John 'in character'. Too often writers of fan fiction change Sherlock and John's personalities. It kept them true to the BBC show.
AGoodOldFashionedVillain chapter 12 . 5/22/2012
Oh MAN. Whoa. These last few chapters have been intense AND I'VE LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF IT. I can tell that you've put a lot of effort into this story, and I appreciate that so much. I'm so impressed with all of the details you put into each and every chapter! The way you wove everything together, and put the Spencer's in, and Molly and Mycroft... Just wow. God, yes. You are amazing.
k8 chapter 3 . 5/17/2012
I had to stop reading at this point in chapter 3 - "he tried to restrain a very lively colored man". While the bigotry may have been unintentional, I won't be returning. Find a good beta reader who will prevent that kind of mistake.
MildredandBobbin chapter 12 . 3/21/2012
Hello! well finally I can get to chapter 12, not sure what happened there but here it is, yay. Can I just say I loved this story, your theories on the whys and hows are so plausible that I think I might even be disappointed when series 3 rolls around. Really liked the idea that Sherlock's call to John was a clue re Molly, that he hid the camera in the ball (although I also buy the idea that he used the ball to stop his pulse) and that he didn't actually reveal all to anyone but only kept people half in the loop. Your original characters, the Spencers, were great too, believably written. And I like the idea that there was more than one Moriarty, you've obviously done your canon homework and really thought this all through. I think this must be the best 'what happened' fics I've read. Thank you! ahem, will the bonus chapter include slash..subtext..anything?
lilsammywinchester chapter 12 . 3/21/2012
Love Mrs. Hudson's reaction xD i think it was a fitting end )
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