Reviews for Solitary 5 Point 0
LAMannix chapter 55 . 9/4/2018
Omg. I am dead. Blast from the past for you but I just discovered this fic last week. I've spent all of my free time doing nothing but reading this - thank you for writing :)
'Amazing' doesn't quite do it justice (honestly i could gush :P ) but it really was.
sherryola chapter 31 . 6/21/2018
I really really hate him. of course, he sent it to Garcia, not to Jack, and they will never let Jack see it, but I hate his guts, deeply and wrathfully. I feel no compassion for a man who wants vengeance and particularly who takes it out on a little boy. Hopefully, he'll rot in fan fic hell.
sherryola chapter 8 . 6/21/2018
I remember the first time I read this coming to like Warden, but now, a year later I guess, no, I despise him and wish he'd come to a much worse ending. It doesn't matter that he believes Hotch is responsible for all this, and he might have been a decent guy once. He's kidnapped a single father, and that man's child has already lost one parent. No, Warden is a cruel sadist, and I'm not going to like him this time around. If he was that decent guy, he wouldn't have done it in the first place, no matter how he comes to like and respect aaron later and even help him. Jack has now lost his only remaining parent, so Warden is being cruel to a child, and that is unforgivable.
sherryola chapter 55 . 8/10/2017
This is an incredible story. I'm blown away by how you took the characters from hostile and animosity to almost friends, caring about each other. and how you too me the reader there too. What a brilliant job. I'm shaking my head wondering if I'm suffering from Stockholm Syndrome via internet! grin. I hope you write something this intense and stunning again. I'd love to read more of your work, but I don't read one-shots of anything, fics or published short stories. grin. anyway, this is a definite favorite.
chen88212 chapter 55 . 10/21/2016
Wow, can't believe I never thought about reading this until now. What an amazing story, the profile of Norton/Joe is unbelievably great. I love reading Hotch and his relationship evolve through out the story. Even though he's an unsub, but it's impossible to hate Norton/Joe. I'm glad both he and Hotch got their happy endings
Queen Maureen IX chapter 55 . 10/4/2016
I look at chapter 1 and chapter 55 and I think hey, when I read chapter 1, my though was well the one way it can't end is X. It's like farthest from my imagination. Then chapter 55 is X and I'm thinking yes, yes, YES, this is perfect. This's how it's supposed to end,.
I don't know how you did it. It's art, it's genius, give us more stories, okay?

ISO someone to write with? We could make beautiful music together, you and beta and me.
kayteau chapter 55 . 6/24/2016
Wow. Just read the whole thing -thanks for derailing my day off -and am blown away.
CaseyMcKay chapter 55 . 1/23/2016
Holy cow, this was epic. I just pulled an all-nighter to read it all the way through. Your version of Hotch's past is FASCINATING, and his evolving views on himself and his relationship with Joe were incredibly well-written. I loved so many small things, too - Hotch's terrible handwriting, and Rossi's weird, somewhat aggressive tendencies popping up in Angry Birds and scaring kids for Halloween. This was an excellent work in so many ways.
MidwestDreamer chapter 55 . 10/24/2015
What an incredible work! I realized how conditioned I've become to "action" stories when, after Hotch's abduction and initial time in confinement, I wondered (questioned?) what could happen that would require so many more chapters. ::shaking head ruefully:: I am *so* glad I decided to stay the course with this. You created such a richly drawn and believable backstory for Hotch...and humanized him in the process. Like the majority of the team, I tend to see him through, admittedly, rose-tinted glasses...the tragic hero who's rarely, if ever, put a foot wrong. In using Dave to offer revelations about Hotch's past, combined with things Emily learned in various interviews, you managed to keep Hotch honorable, but not quite so ready for sainthood. It's a delicate balance, and you maintained it magnificently.

This story would not have had the impact it did without your careful development of Warden/Norton Charpentier/Joe McAfee. Although technically the unsub, I found myself, if not actively rooting for him, feeling a great deal of compassion for him. As Hotch explained to Jack in this final chapter, good people sometimes do bad things...and this amazing OC is the embodiment of that.

Every single one of the many chapters that comprised this story offered insight into its two main characters, and offered well thought out glimpses into the team and its dynamics as well. I also loved the attention to detail, in particular the references to Eat 'n Park and Giant Eagle. (The latter expanded into my area about 15 years ago and is the largest grocery store in the town in which I currently live...but, instead of referring to it as "Eagle," I usually call it "Big Bird." :D) I also liked the way you developed the Hawthornes. Their involvement in Hotch's rescue was far more meaningful knowing their relationship with the man they knew as Joe.

Lastly, I applaud your decision to end the primary concept of the story *not* wrapped with a pretty bow. Both Hotch and Norton had to delve deeply into their own pasts and psyches to arrive at a place in which they could forgive each other...and themselves...but that also means they have to keep secrets that, if revealed, could be damning. Difficult but, ultimately, believable. As I said above, I'm so glad I stuck with this through its conclusion; it is a fascinating and compelling read.
Pam chapter 55 . 8/17/2014
It was really good, professional good. Spend the whole week end reading it good. I laughed and cried a lot. Thank you.
wotumba1 chapter 7 . 6/4/2014
gotta agree with strauss...
wotumba1 chapter 6 . 6/4/2014
that does look quite bleak for him...
mysong chapter 55 . 6/1/2014
I read this fic for days, until my eyes grew tired and I couldn't read anymore. 55 chapters have never been so satisfying.

There's just so much I love about this story. The absolute completeness of it. Warden/Norton/Joe is such a complex, full-fledged character. You really take advantage of the differences between television and literature. Sometimes I read fics that try to imitate the fast pace of the show and it doesn't have quite the same impact without a visual or musical component.
Being able to see into Norton and Hotch's minds was just soooooo good. And I actually learned a couple new words while reading this, had to pull out the dictionary lol

Thank you for writing this. Whenever I had to stop reading, I felt like I had to really pull myself out of the world you created. I can't wait to read more of your stuff!
AvngAngl chapter 55 . 11/21/2013
I know this story was written a while ago. Bri told me about it and recommended it.
All I can say is WOW... Once I started to read I couldn't stop until I literally passed out at 5 AM this morning.
Picked it up again and just finished...
It is an amazing story and so well done... Excuse me while I go off to read more of your writings...
Thank you.
1yellowfish chapter 55 . 10/9/2013
I have class in two hours. I just spent the whole night reading this instead of sleeping. My students are getting a half-assed day today and it was totally worth it. This was fantastic. And I'm very confused as to where I should be emotionally, which I guess was the point. Very well done. Thank you for sharing it.
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