Reviews for What Was Lost
The Imitation Wizard chapter 13 . 12/21/2018
Beautiful story! I loved it so much! Perfect amount of well-written angst, and yet still fluffy at times. Fantastic job! Bravo!
AlwaysElisabethian chapter 13 . 10/21/2015
I liked this story - I know it's been a while since you've written this, so I assume you've come a long way as a writer since then. You had a good plot and story line with this, but it moved a bit too fast - you could've used more characters per chapter and you could've spent more chapters per things happening.
You're a good writer, and I definitely enjoyed reading this.
zaubernuss chapter 3 . 5/21/2015
I like your writing, but I'm not sure if I like your Elena. Her reasoning why she can't be with Damon - that's fine. But she seems to take an awful lot of time showering, going through keepsakes, turning around in bed for a little more sleep (because it's still early to wake Bonnie? Come on!) while knowing that Damon might be in life-threatening danger. She can't care all that much, because otherwise she'd be frantic, running around and turning every stone in trying to find him. That's what Damon would have done, if she had gone missing.
Tvd2014 chapter 13 . 3/18/2015
Loved this Delena story and how you portrayed Katherine! Nice work!
Marrilyn chapter 12 . 1/7/2015
"Katherine looked back at him like he was a bit simple."
LOL such a Katherine thing to do. I loved her snarking at him.

Elena should've just asked Damon or Caroline to compel the teachers. Why study when you have compulsion? I remember when I was in school I always used to wish compulsion was real.

The ending was just perfect. Love their moments together, you really nail writing Delena. It was so sad how he felt undeserving of her love and then she went all the way to prove him wrong.
Marrilyn chapter 11 . 1/7/2015
I like the thought of Katherine caring about Elena in her own twisted way.

I wanna hug Damon. How could he just disappear like that? Elena was crushed.
Marrilyn chapter 10 . 1/6/2015
It was very noble of Elena to get in the way and save her beloved. especially since there's no doubt he'd do the very same thing for her.

He was there, by her side, at all times? Awww, that's just adorable.

LOL at Damon thinking Stefan is saying that Katherine loves him. So funny and so Damon-y.

Aww, Damon's crying. I volunteer to comfort him!
Marrilyn chapter 9 . 1/6/2015
Oh, I'd give everything to have Damon trying to divert my attention like that. Oh, yeah, baby, I sure as hell would.

That speech Elena gave was the utmost perfection! I love, love, LOVE it! It's so adorable!

They get cockblocked again. Come on! At least it's not Jeremy this time (it's almost always Jeremy), though I'd rather prefer him than this nasty guy. If he wants revenge, he should go to the source of the problem. It's not Damon's fault his brother's a murderous rapist when he gets high.
Marrilyn chapter 8 . 1/6/2015
LOL. Figures Damon would catch her smell on his bed and everywhere and on everything else. It was also kinda sweet, romantic in a way. He'd always notice, just as she noticed his smell.

"Then a small miracle occurred. He, Damon Salvatore, was at a loss for words."
Love this part.

"Damon emoted. Holy shit, did he emote!"
I'm jealous of Elena. So fucking jealous. I want him to "emote" with me. In my daydreams, maybe...

Elena, you better reconsider your choices.
Marrilyn chapter 7 . 1/6/2015
Stefan, sweetie, before you start talking about how Damon doesn't deserve Elena, maybe you should think about that time you nearly drove her off that bridge that killed her parents while she screamed and cried in panic. Damon wouldn't do that to her, never.

Delena reunion was fucking perfect! I loved it! I mean, I love all their moments, but this one was just special!
Marrilyn chapter 6 . 1/6/2015
Figures Damon would recognize Elena's blood right away.

Love the donations part, both Ric and Elena's. It's quite a noble thing to do, and Elena's right, after everything he's done for them, Damon deserves it.
Marrilyn chapter 5 . 1/6/2015
Stefan doesn't want Elena involved? Who does he think he is?

I missed this perky Caroline. The one currently in the show is annoying more than great as she used to be.

I like Steferine. I like anything that isn't Stelena, actually.

No skin? Mental image. Horrible mental image. I wanna hug Damon right now. My poor baby.

Elena refusing to leave Damon and then taking his hand and saying she's right here broke my heart. My, you really know how to make us shippers feel, don't you?
Marrilyn chapter 4 . 1/6/2015
Katherine knew James Dean. LOL. Why am I not surprised? Also LOL at Stefan being pricked with that needle by Bonnie.

Wow. I know ripper!Stefan was a lot of things, but a rapist? Wow. Just... wow.

So, wait. That's the same well Stefan was in back in season 2?
Marrilyn chapter 3 . 1/6/2015
Damn it, Elena! What's so bad about being a vampire? Kids and marriage and college... those things are overrated. If vamps happened to be real, I'd personally choose to turn over all those.

It was sweet how she put on his jacket, thinking he'd be needing it. Beat still, my shipper heart.

Damon can't be gone. No, I refuse to believe that.
Marrilyn chapter 2 . 1/6/2015
Stefan's attitude's really annoying, especially over the Bonnie thing. I suspect he might know something.

Poor Elena and poor Damon. I hope they rescue him soon, before he's too hurt and damaged. Wouldn't want him to turn it off.
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