Reviews for Patrolling the Seireitei at Sunset
K chapter 1 . 11/21/2013
Love romantic 3
TomatoPiranha chapter 1 . 2/5/2012
aww kawaii . i luv this pair! great job, especially for ur first one shot ;)
Thefangirl chapter 1 . 1/22/2012
Congrats on your first one-shot! What a great pairing to choose for one too. I thought the writing style was really great, and you deserve lots of cookies and cakes for such a wonderful job. I would like to give some helpful advice though (If I was writing my first one-shot I would want advice, so I'm just kinda assuming that you would want some too)

Though the idea was really good (Yumi wanting to be like the sunset and Ikkaku telling him he's beautiful and stuff. Really, it made me go all 'Aw~!' and stuff) I think the characters could have been portrayed slightly better, like Yumi not acting quite as perky in the beginning and more *acting* like he's sure of his beauty, and Ikkaku maybe having some more trouble expressing that he likes Yumi ('cause he is kinda rough, and would be uncomfortable without outright saying that Yumi's beautiful.) But overall, I think you had a wonderful idea and writing style, and I really enjoyed reading it. So thank you for sharing it here on ! I hope this helps you with any more future works of yours, especially any Yumi/Ikkaku related ones.
