Reviews for Space for Words
kokoronagomu chapter 3 . 12/20/2019
i've been rereading favorites and this is one of them. i was wondering if you had gotten to see the live action 'rk' movies and that they're filming the jinchuu arc to be out sometime in the next year or so. there are rumors of who is enishi but no official announcement. this guy was seen on set with takeru but he looks like the enishi poster i have next to my desk, his name is: mackenyu.1116 on instagram.
Rori77 chapter 3 . 7/24/2018
I loved these scenes. Kaoru is adorable, by the way. Thank you for this brilliant story.
Izanami118 chapter 3 . 8/9/2016
It was very well written. I love it.
KureNo11 chapter 3 . 2/22/2016
Oh well, their words and interaction were deep :) But I'd love it more if you drop 'dono' thing when Kenshin called Kaoru. It just gave me a feeling that this 'dono' seems gave them both a distance.
orchid14 chapter 2 . 2/17/2015
Very deep philosophy. I love this KenKao moment.
kaoruca chapter 2 . 5/1/2014
Beautiful. I agree with you about the "-dono" thing. It is not a sign of distance but of respect. Anyway, I think it's not like that when they're alone.
seikkyokuka chapter 3 . 3/15/2014
I don't understand the ending...? Written well though :-)
RockMama22 chapter 1 . 11/30/2013
Lovely! I really enjoy it when someone presents romance that doesn't have modern western words and traditions all of it (smashing in a bunch of overt lovey-dovey-ness). I like this story very much. Not a bad thing to say about it. :D Thanks for the read!
amamiya chapter 3 . 8/4/2013
Beautiful writing. I wish there was more, but have enjoyed these three chapters nonetheless.
Thanks for sharing!
miss greenpeace chapter 3 . 5/16/2013
ahh. Lovely. I love all of your drabbles, mostly because it's canon, true to characters, and always light yet meaningful enough to make me think and smile. The characterizations and settings are very in tune with the manga's theme I feel like reading an extension of the manga. Most of all, I love how this drabble collection of yours seem to pick up where the manga ends - kenshin and kaoru being married and how they get to know each other more in their marriage. I really love this collection and eagerly waiting for more :) thank you for a wonderful read
invisibility chapter 3 . 12/5/2012
I really like how the chapters capture the intimacy of their relationship. Seems like a bunch of snapshots of their life together but I think it would be interesting to see a plot develop along the way.
Achi J chapter 3 . 9/12/2012
Beautiful. I loved the historical details and the subtle nuances in gesture that you've woven in. There's just something very special about that slice of time between turning in and falling asleep, and I'm glad that it's that particular moment that you chose to explore. For me, those times involved huddling with my siblings under the covers to whisper for hours after bedtime, so reading this gave me the nostalgic fuzzies haha
haints chapter 3 . 6/15/2012
I have probably read this a hundred times before still its realness never fades. I am saddened though that you haven't upated in a while, please continue writing and provide me/us the wisely hidden yet very heartfelt beauty of your writing.

I'll be waiting.
Wolf Melody chapter 2 . 4/14/2012
That was one thing I forgot in the previous review; I liked that you dropped Kenshin's normal speech patterns. I feel that he uses them as a formal sort of wall, but when alone with Kaoru he is just himself. He doesn't need to keep up appearances or anything, so he can be effortlessly casual and natural and intimate with her in all aspects of life. I like that :)
Wolf Melody chapter 1 . 4/14/2012
There were a lot of things I liked about this. :) I thought it was one of the better stories of its kind here on ff.

I was very pleasantly surprised by how well it was written, and there were little things that made it special. I liked that you said "he had been stripped... to just a man touching his wife for the first time, each of them..." Something about that struck me, and seemed very intimately sweet and raw.

I really liked that you didn't make a big deal of the rurouni vs. battousai thing; I think far too often people write kenshin with two separate personas or with multiple personalities... it's just not that separate. Kenshin is Kenshin, the one and only. So I very much appreciate portrayals in which he is just a person. It was very human.

I thought the portrayal of the relationship between the two was wonderful. It was sweet and tender, intimate, natural, innocent but still raw, loving, and ultimately HUMAN. It was believable.

The subject was interesting.(You did your homework too :) Such a simple moment; the picture here is so intimate and personal... it's just wonderful. A real moment in time they would have had, just for themselves. For some reason, this snippet in time seemed very special to me, and very momentous as a piece of writing. Altogether a lovely little story. I really really enjoyed reading this.

Thanks, and please keep writing! We need some more great canon RK! Keep up the good work :D
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