Reviews for The Taste Of Flames
imnotraven16 chapter 1 . 7/7/2016
sad story
Guest chapter 1 . 6/19/2015
Badass !
TielxKaessy chapter 1 . 7/12/2013
...Okay so I wondering why this one is in the "Drama/Angst" genre... It made me feel like it's horror instead... Q_Q
Anyways, I was surprised at reading your post-fic comments. I had just read "Faith, Hope, Love", and while reading this, it reminded me of the aforementioned fic. Turns out it was also you who wrote it and that it came first. O_O Ahhhh no wonder it made me feel horrified at Maya's experiences... The very thought of her killing was just... And Dahlia haunting her each and every time she falls asleep? *shivers*
Your writing is superb, by the way! You can make people feel what your story is all about! 8D It's just, I'm still not used to so much angst and horror... QnQ
Red-the-Mudkip chapter 1 . 5/12/2013
Wow...this was so amazing. It really caught my attention, and I couldn't stop reading once I had started. Your style of writing is so impressive; I can almost hear the words you've written, and I can picture everything in my mind. It was a pleasure to read this. Thank you for writing this piece.
ChihiroAyasato chapter 1 . 4/18/2012
Remind me to properly review this when my eyeballs have revived from staring at the screen for so long whilst I was typing up my story.

I felt that it was appropriate for me to give you a response of some sort for your wonderful writing since you'd given me a clear review dump the other day.

(and I'm sure that would have dried up your eyeballs as well)

I've read the story, but not as closely as I'd liked to have.

So I SHALL reread it and then post a much better review than this pathetic one.

I can add this to the Mia community if you want since she plays a major role in it (from what I've seen anyway XD)



I have so much mixed feelings for her now since it's barely been ten minutes since I stopped typing.

Dahlia Sonozaki.

She is no more...




OH hey!

My eyeballs can work again...



Xekuto: *sighs* In short. This was a brilliant story. But since I am in no position to comment in her place, we'll just have to wait until next time.

*splashes water on dead JY*

*perks up*


Xekuto: Erm, you okay?







Xekuto: You're not making any sense. Please don't flail your arms around like that. You might knock Yupi into a sponge. AGAIN.

*whimper* Please don't die...Maya.

Nick needs you.


Xekuto: ...


Xekuto: *headdesk*
Lex Lexa chapter 1 . 2/22/2012
(it's Maya from court records) loved it! Though it left me wanting more details!
icer01 chapter 1 . 2/2/2012
Impeccably written as usual! *jawdrop*

I love how Maya's assuming his 'failure' without her around (Fatal 'Flashback Trial') and that's got to be the best allusion to her witnessing the 'disbarring' ever... the poignant taxi driver scene...

And it's all touching and hideous at the same time.

I love how she turns into 'Dahlia' and it's even like the canon with the sudden inexplicable switch.

It's sad, but it doesn't contradict canon, which is kind of worse.

The only part I can't buy is how she gets 'disbarred' from Kurain Mastering so quick for purpose of plot, but it's as farcical as the whole canon Flashback Trial premise for Phoenix, so I guess it's a correct analogy.

Of course it's P/M - but only Maya/Lawyer!Nick. She kills the 'imposter'. (After leaving disbarred Lawyer!Nick character for the Canon Inexplicable Switch to Mayaless Hobo!Phoenix). Once she's been corrupted into his worst nightmare Dahlia as he saw through before [3-5 not Dahlia and not a murderer]. Now they're both suddenly blinded to seeing through each other's corrupted forms when they could before, which eventually become 'true' to the same extent. [She is 'Dahlia' and Dahlia's murdering, he did forge playing card 'evidence'] One of those tragedies on so many symbolic levels of... something

Is her and Phoenix meeting in the afterlife real or just a delusion of hers?

If it's real I say this fic is really beautiful in some twisted fashion... work of genius...
Shizuka Ayasato chapter 1 . 1/31/2012

That was absolutely beautiful
Madame Mush chapter 1 . 1/31/2012
Truly epic and a brilliant cascade into madness. About a quarter of the way through I saw the pending doom but simply couldn't stop. XD Adored the fire and ashes, by the way! Such a powerful recurrent theme and really delivered well... You've officially made Dahlia more terrifying and destructive than she already was. Kudos!

So yes, thanks for the epic read, and here's to GS5!
thecardboardunicorn chapter 1 . 1/31/2012
Absolutely outstanding... That pretty much sums up the entire thing. It was clever, meaningful and it really inspired me. Well done :)
Naoko Mint chapter 1 . 1/31/2012
Absolutely amazing. A total flip from its sister! View wise though. Stunning work once again, i'm glad you wrote!
Blue Deity chapter 1 . 1/30/2012
Stuff like this is why you're my favourite author. I've been waiting for ages for you to write Dahlia again