Reviews for Painful Regrets
kirr1001 chapter 4 . 3/17/2012
oh Inuyasha was so sweet good little story!
kirr1001 chapter 3 . 3/17/2012
good boy shippo :)
kokoronagomu chapter 4 . 3/3/2012
she shattered the jewel to save a life and there was nothing wrong with that. she wasn't responsible for the rest, a person can find a knife that was lost and choose to take a life with it but that blood is not on the hands of the person who lost the knife.

sound reasoning and a great story.
kokoronagomu chapter 3 . 3/3/2012
another example of good parenting. although i believe that it's a good thing they kept an eye on him in case he slipped up... they say a mother has eyes in the back of her head but it's all about being observant and making sure they don't get away with things.
Jirubee chapter 1 . 2/8/2012
I loved this on LJ and I love it still. This is one of those pieces that you can read over and over and still enjoy it just as much as the first time.
kokoronagomu chapter 2 . 1/31/2012
wonderful way to deal with a child - you're a natural! \o/


it is great parenting *nods*
