Reviews for Solus
damthing chapter 15 . 6/2
It was the best story I had ever read!It should be a canon!
typroctor-ewaguy chapter 15 . 6/28/2019
Wow, what a journey it was Lu. You quite a writer and you made us hate Granger and that is a mark of a truly fine writer. As you wrote him, no one is better at undercover work than Marty Deeks. This Lobos was a cruel bastard and I didn't realize how bad he was when he tied Celina to the bed for Luca's pleasure while her son watched. However as exciting as this fanfiction was there was a happy ending. Thank you, Lu.
Guest chapter 11 . 5/4/2018
These 2 need to get together not the stupid Densi bullshut
Guest chapter 15 . 9/9/2017
Awesome story! Although i still feel that granger should have been invastigated by IA
mefoote chapter 15 . 6/8/2016
Another great story
kadyann1955 chapter 1 . 9/3/2015
Oh my, another absolutely fantastic story from you! You are going to have to stop making this old gal cry. The love letter to Kensi (First Time Ever I Saw Your Face) had me in tears! I was sobbing like a baby. And I'm so glad you dislike Granger as much as I do! What a rat. I don't even like him on the show. As I have said before, you have a way of making your stories come alive and make us feel like we are right there. Off to read another one of your wonderful stories. Not sure which one yet, but will let you know afterwards.

Hugs, Kathy
Natalie Ryan chapter 2 . 5/12/2015
I was encouraging myself to read this story since I kinda like Granger now. You are like Nicholas Sparks for crime/drama writing.
And I like the name Dark Moon.
I need to improve my Spanish, though. It's been a long time.
Great story so far. Can't wait how it ends. I loce Pete Archuleta very much.
Guest chapter 15 . 1/31/2014
Thank God for a happy ending! I have a nice satisfying smile on my face! Bout time he gets to become part of the NCIS team, he deserves it. You are so good at making these characters come to life, you are spot on. Love it when it all comes together and he has the support, love and respect from the team.
Guest chapter 14 . 1/31/2014
Just before I go to the final chapter, I want to say thanks for the amazing ride. This story has had me captivated from the beginning. You are so good at describing who Deeks really is and every time I read a chapter, I feel like I know him better. The poem you posted is the best! Thanks for your hard work, your talent is amazing!
Guest chapter 4 . 1/31/2014
Always love the tenderness that Deeks has and how he can still be true to himself and his feelings and also keep his cover. He is such a passionate man. He is so underestimated by Granger and by his peers sometimes...He is always so loyal to them though.
Guest chapter 3 . 1/31/2014
Man, I can tell this is going to be good! I love the way you brought Granger into this to try to intimidate Deeks, but yet, deep down, we know that Granger knew that Deeks was the man for the job. But he is too big of an A $hole to admit it. I love the way you brought Pete into this too, that Deeks had someone to confide, rely and trust in. Good choice! Can't wait to see where this goes. Thanks for these great stories!
jinxcat21 chapter 5 . 1/3/2014
Love your stories. I'd like to see more of Jolene. Any chance you could bring her back?
Swords Forever chapter 15 . 12/15/2013
Great story.
ananova chapter 15 . 10/25/2013
Very nicely done, glad Vance decided to listen to Hetty instead of Granger. Is Granger gone now or are they still stuck with him?
ananova chapter 12 . 10/25/2013
I can't really blame Celina, she had to do what was best for her son. But I really hate Granger here. I hope Celina contacts Hetty and Pete right away, the others will race down and save Deeks. But Kensi's going to be so pissed that he never contacted her. I have a feeling he's going to get a lecture about how he should trust the team to have his back, no matter what he's threatened with. Granger is going to be in for it.
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