Reviews for Check Mate
ShadowXMoonlight chapter 5 . 3/27
I liked Stiles and Jackson together darn it.
cassiewright chapter 5 . 9/28/2012
good fic, but strange end
cassiewright chapter 4 . 9/28/2012
no no no, poor jackson! Stiles told me that it was played, not stiles!
cassiewright chapter 3 . 9/28/2012
I love this relationship, the way you described it
cassiewright chapter 2 . 9/28/2012
a dream? although the scope of the elephant I was lost!
I adore, sorry for my not too constructive reviews, I have trouble with English
cassiewright chapter 1 . 9/28/2012
very good start, it's too cute application stiles
Toulip Fontana chapter 3 . 6/30/2012
These two are sweeter than pecan pie. Amazing chapter.
DJDarkPixie chapter 5 . 3/18/2012
Not good. Thi nchapter broke my heart. I really wanted to see Stax win. But now they don't even talk? You are trying to kill me, I know... Seriously, even with the dark and depressed tone the writing is good. It made me feel which means the words work. Please continue with the sequel. I have you as an alert so I can read it. Good job even if I now need a hug. :'(
anon chapter 4 . 3/8/2012
Cool chapter but I'm not sure what's happening at the end, is he having some sort of fever nightmare or something?
i like our story chapter 4 . 3/8/2012
... I'm French and it's not "LA fou" but "LE fou"...
Apollojb chapter 4 . 3/7/2012
Oh Jackson, you put up such a good front but you really might be the most fragile of the group.
anon chapter 3 . 2/26/2012
Wow that was like my favorite chapter! His big stud. Awww. Hmm, I wonder why Derek's being a dick. Maybe Jackson will have to fight for Stiles or maybe that's part of the claiming process or he's afraid it will make him weak protecting him. I'd love to see Jackson hurt and Stiles worried and fussing over him from trying to protect or claim him but that's just me because I'm a hurt!Jackson/comforting!Stiles junkie. Hell I'm a Jackson/Stiles anything junkie. And I've just about given up on this fandom because it's all Derek/Stiles and while I liked it at first I just got burned out. So thank you, if it wasn't for the odd Derek/Jackson or Jackson/Stiles story I'd probably give up all together!
DJDarkPixie chapter 3 . 2/24/2012
You really need to stop teasing! It's good. Please give us more!
Apollojb chapter 3 . 2/24/2012
I'm loving the direction that this story is going in! 33
DJDarkPixie chapter 2 . 2/8/2012
Dang. You.

Just when it was getting even better you cut if off. Oh well, just have to be patient I suppose waiting for the next chapter. It really is a good story. I like the castle metaphor too.
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