Reviews for Going Loopy
Guest chapter 1 . 12/11/2017
Such a great start, the twist about Luna being replaced with Camille in Tension Convention was completely unexpected and interesting. I really hope that eventually you'll continue with this.
guest chapter 1 . 7/24/2013
Guest chapter 1 . 6/30/2013
Dr. Lizard Bugg chapter 1 . 7/10/2012
Go, Bushroot! Go! I can't wait to see what happens! XD Good luck and great chapter, so far! :)
Maran Zelde chapter 1 . 2/12/2012
I love how you include Launchpad's sister! That makes me want to find that episode of Ducktales. I always loved Launchpad's family. I think it's believable that DW tells Loopy his secret identity, since he trusts LP. And it will be interesting to see how the villains react to her and vice versa. Tank's crush on her is actually pretty cute.

Morgana's reaction to the tabloid is IC, and I knew DW would set things straight.

Interesting that you a minor villain abducting Brant's girlfriend. I think Camille has potential if her character is developed more. With a power like that, she can cause a lot of mayhem.
Coldwin chapter 1 . 2/9/2012
Always nice to see secondary show characters in a fan fic, and one from Ducktales is a bonus.

Looking forward to more :)
MysticIris chapter 1 . 2/8/2012
I was very happy to see a new story from you. The first chapter here was intriguing and I think it moved at a good pace.

I liked Darkwing's reaction to Loopy. It would probably be the same reaction I would have, honestly. I can't wait to see what the villains are going to think of Loopy when they finally see her as Darkwing's temporary sidekick.

Morgana seemed very in-character and I loved her temper flare up over the tabloid journalism. Considering that Camille is behind the whole thing though, I could see a rocky road for the two of them on the horizon.

Not surprisingly, my favorite part was the section where Bushroot misses Liquidator and is going to try and free him. It's sad and it's sweet at the same time. I wonder what state Liquidator will be in when he's freed. He could still be feeling a little off from his son's rejection.

Overall, I really liked it. I hope that the story gets updated soon. :)
Moonie chapter 1 . 2/7/2012
I feel as if I'd said this before, but I was so excited to see you'd started on this. I've been looking forward to it for quite awhile. Man, do you know how to tell a story. The character interactions, reactions and mannerisms are just so perfect, I could swear I was watching an actual episode in my mind. You explain everything so well, your wording is fantastic and the way to stitch the plot together so neatly is just... wow. I'm happy to see Loopy show up (even if that was hinted at in the title), and Camille was a big and happy surprise. The fact that she hates pretty people so much just makes so much sense. And Morgana's flip out was incredibly in character, too XD I really hope you update soon!
Ceiphied Knight chapter 1 . 2/7/2012
I like this a lot! Love the uses of Loopy and Camille. I always liked Camille a lot, and I always felt she was under-used. Taking on the guise of a famous model just to get back at Darkwing is pure 90s cartoon silliness, but with a darker and more mature feel. I did find it strange that Loopy was immediately let in on Drake's identity because I figured she could easily fly Darkwing Duck around without having to know his secret, and I think it's weird that he desperately needs a sidekick and not just a pilot considering he worked alone for so many years. Like, Loopy could easily stay at their house and we would get the same humor with the Muddlefoots and everything, but knowing a big secret like that seems to be stretching it a little, especially since one of the big things people didn't like about the comics was when people were giving away their secret identities left and right. Or maybe she would be able to easily figure out that Drake is Darkwing just by being around both of them so much, and then he would be surprised that someone who seems so ditzy figured it out so easily or something.

Anyway, I will definitely be following this story! I won't beg you to "update soon", though, because I know I always feel bad when people say that to me because I'm such a slow updater, lol. So update whenever, I'll be reading! :D
Bookworm Gal chapter 1 . 2/6/2012
Okay, I think I'm enjoying this. Loopy is amusing and I like the addition of a certain, less commonly known villian. I like seeing your work and hope to see an update soon. Keep up the great work.
acosta perez jose ramiro chapter 1 . 2/6/2012
Great idea about having Loopy and Camille in this story.

Keep the good writing.
loonytunecrazy chapter 1 . 2/6/2012
Exllcent and intresting start here love Loopy meeting witH Drake , Gos and Morgana. Also nice of using Camille as the villain
Celey chapter 1 . 2/6/2012
YESSSSSSSSSSSSS! *GLOMPS FIC* I can finally partake in the reading of more of your wonderful writing! YAY! I am so happy! And the first chapter of this fic did not disappoint. You've got some great stuff going on here. Darkwing dealing with a new temporary sidekick, the tension between him and Morgana because of the Luna Darkfeather thing, Bushroot's loneliness and wanting to bail out Liquidator from prison, the return of Camille Chameleon... It's interesting that there's a lot going on in this first chapter, and yet, it doesn't feel like it's bogged down by too much going on. You've handled all the scenes like the masterful writer you are.

Masterful, indeed! Your characterization of the characters is, as always, excellent. So excellent, in fact... well, I was a little concerned about Luna Darkfeather breaking up with Brant and claiming to be with Darkwing Duck. It seemed kind of OOC to me from what I remembered of her, so I was like... "I think I'll go back and read Tension Convention after this to make sure before I comment on that..." And then, I kept reading, so that when I got to the Luna and Camille scene, it became a... "OH CRAP" moment.

Seriously, I totally started geeking out. I was like... "I WAS RIGHT! IT WAS OOC, AND THAT'S BECAUSE CAMILLE IS BEHIND IT! OH MY GOSH! Oh, Cheezey, you clever girl, you! THIS IS SO AWESOME!" So, yeah... Definitely be proud of all of that.

There were so many scenes that I loved in this fic. All of the stuff with Loopy in it cracked me up. I was giggling to myself all through out. And awww, Tank has a puppy love crush on Loopy. Cute! *LOL* The comedy was funny. The drama was dramatic without being cheesy... Everything was great.

Constructive criticism-wise, there isn't much I can say. Most of it is nit-picking stuff. I will say that one thing that bothered me a little bit was Darkwing allowing Launchpad to let Loopy in on his secret identity... I think it would be possible that Loopy could pilot him around and everything without having to know his secret identity, buuuuut... It wasn't totally unbelievable because Darkwing DOES trust Launchpad, and Launchpad would, of course, trust his family. And he DOES need a pilot, obviously.

And you know, if Loopy is piloting Darkwing around and everything and putting her life in harm's way, she does kind of have a right to know who he is and whatnot. Plus, the scene with Drake and Loopy and the Muddlefoots is just too funny to pass up. So, I think that could mostly count as just a nit-pick sort of thing on my part. It's definitely something I can let slide because it was written well, at least, and Rule of Funny also comes into play here. :D

And two more, definitely nit-pick sort of things that can be easily fixed.

"Sometimes I wish I could a put a hex on that tax assessor like in the old days." No need for that first "a." *lol* Very simple mistake. Just thought I'd point it out for you, so you'd know.

And then, this: Across town in a not very nice part of it

That's the beginning of a line that starts off the Luna and Camille scene. I mean, I don't think it's necessarily grammatically incorrect or anything, but it did cause me to pause a bit because it's kind of... awkward syntax, I think. Maybe "Meanwhile in the bad part of town" or something like that would sound a little better.

Other than that, this fic is perfection, and I really cannot wait for more. It has me really excited. Don't let almost another year go by before you update, PLEEEEEEEEEASE.