Reviews for Rebirth
AmieraAmos chapter 42 . 5/18
update soon this story is amazing plz
LibraOfSlytherin chapter 42 . 2/23
Omg, I just realized this wasn't complete. I usually always check that before I read anything. And you have an updated in nearly four years. Aaaaaaah what have I done? I never read anything that's not complete. How could I get sucked into a story and realize it's not complete...I'm so sadddd
LibraOfSlytherin chapter 36 . 2/23
Ok cool, Hermione starting to act right
LibraOfSlytherin chapter 34 . 2/23
So what I've gathered is, Hermione doesn't actually give a damn about Lucius she's just using him. she keeps using the "I thought you changed" and "I thought..." this and that...She doesn't actually care. He is risking his life for the order who also don't give a damn about him. In fact, they made that very clear. So what exactly does Lucius gain by helping the Order? A young girl who continues to judge him at every step of the way and can't see what he goes through. It's hard to change when you have someone constantly reminding you of what you did in the past. She doesn't trust him, and she doesn't want to trust himdespite what she's tried to convince him otherwiseand that's exactly what's getting in her way. Her pig headedness and arrogance. And she needs to be knocked off this high horse that she's on. She wants him to think that she trusts him just so she can use him. She's so arrogant she doesn't even see his side of things ...just that it's not going her way. Both sides would rather kill him then save his life and she thinks the minimal affection she gives him is enough to keep him from going dark or something? She doesn't see or care that he's struggling, just that the Order isnt getting the help it needs. Yeah, she sees when he comes back injured but immediately after she realizes he's fine it goes straight into "Ok what did you find out?" I usually like Hermione but she's low-key annoying in this.

I do like the writing tho, author. It's a good read but I'm getting so frustrated with Hermione. onto the next chapter.
Lucyole chapter 42 . 12/3/2019
These final chapter were really wow love them lots of downs some ups for our couple as well the little boy and his sister are safe, Kingsley really had come at last minute, Draco is an arse and using imperio on his father honestly and for that effort he is dead now poor Lucius losing his son but in retrospect he already lost him in some way Narcissa won't be happy but then she didn't help matters much in agreeing to being a part with the VRS so selfimposed pain I would say, please don't put Lucius in Azkaban I want a happy end they can begin a new life together. More please *cookies for inspiration and the good work*
Lucyole chapter 33 . 11/27/2019
Really good chapter and I think you did well with writing the oral sex scene it was to say very stimulating.
Lucyole chapter 32 . 11/27/2019
I love and enjoy your story the drama, excitement, sweetness and even some funny moments are great. Lucius wasn't so keen on her but with all the time and Qa A game they were playing he had found it she is great company and then he plays into the VRS let's hope they won't find out. Draco really is an idiot un my eyes he is acting so proud of himself thinking him better as his father but he to is just a puppet he hated his father because of Voldemort and that branding but then follows a similar group really he makes the same mistake as his father and Narcissa is OK with that but angry at Lucius for wanting his old life back sucg a hypocrite. The night between Hermione and Lucius were great he acknowledged his feelings for her at least that is good, there will be a storm from the Weasleyvs especially Ron when they found out, I love mimbi she is really cute and a good character, Harry only thinks of work and keeps everything important to himself no one wants to listen to Hermione about how the old death eater are felling being so discarded not everyone of them got a chance like Malfoy to get back into the society I would be angry and pissed to thinking why him and not me then in comes a group who promis me my old life back and that it will get better who wouldn't jump into that and other who may have been neutral but disgarded or forgotten as well would think the same it is an endless circle really the winner are telling the tale and shaping the world how they want it not caring who they might hurt in the progress not asking others opinions on how to help break the hate chain, Hermione at least hat thought about it since she met Lucius and how he acts and has seen how the ministry is working and she doesn't like how they donvt give a dam about it and they underestimate the numbers of the VS greatly they are still bumbling fools and only see what they want to see. Again love your story.
Scarletthorn chapter 42 . 11/24/2018
So... It's been two years sense you updated. It says see you next chapter XD is this actually the last chapter or was there another planned. I've been on a cliff hanger so long. I loved the story though ready in. Day the first time sense then I be come back and read it severely more times...
Rasu chapter 15 . 10/30/2018
Oh Hermione, how could you not see how bad it was to do that?!
Rasu chapter 3 . 10/30/2018
Oh dang! I hope Ron is okay.
Rasu chapter 1 . 10/30/2018
Oooh I can tell this is going to be a great story! Poor Hermione.
Guest chapter 27 . 8/18/2018
Please don't abandon this amazing story :(
Sinoritta chapter 4 . 5/20/2018
She is running away from Ron in fear and at the same time not scared of malfoy. Seems illogical
AltruisticPsyche chapter 7 . 12/8/2017
Never ever wrap bruised or broken ribs with bandages. It can cause restriction in the lungs and lead to pneumonia. That was the olden way of doing things.
I am taking a great liking to this story. Hermione's not weak but she is still delicate. I like that. I like that Malfoy is he's arrogant self, too.
Guest chapter 42 . 10/18/2017
please update this story it's amazing
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