Reviews for Stranded
KrystylSky chapter 37 . 4/18/2013
Great update
Xaiael chapter 36 . 3/18/2013
Hi ! I've read this again and I started to wonder if you will finish it ? I know it been a while but maybe , maybe you will come back to finish it ! please come back!Hope you are ok!
imurhuckleberry chapter 35 . 11/16/2012
Great job cant wait for the next chapter
KJFern chapter 34 . 10/18/2012
Leave it to Fenris to go into a complete drunken rage and destroy inanimate objects that have done nothing to him! LOL And I thought elves were supposed to have superior eyesight...he must have been REALLY drunk for him not to realize it was really Inara AND that she was looking a little...rounder than usual! LOL

Great description of the interior of the mansion, BTW. Also loved the part where Isabela pulled out the lockpick from between her bosom and unlocked the door. Very funny! And Hurray for getting rid of all those nasty dead corpses! If only the DA Devs had thought to do the same! LOL

Another wonderful chapter, my friend- KUDOS!
BrennaCeDria chapter 34 . 10/17/2012
D'awww. You know it takes a lot for me to feel for Fenris, but he's so pitiful and alone. :( Great work with this and the last chapter, with Sebastian.
Ellethe chapter 33 . 9/25/2012
Not to mention that an Elven child might be noticed on the Starkhaven throne
Lyall Fidelis chapter 29 . 8/9/2012
THIS IS WHY YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED NICE THINGS! My heart hurts and squeels like a thousand baby kittens with rabies! All I wanted was a nice make up romp before they left. But do I get that? NO,! Excuse me now while I weep into sandwiches
Eviza chapter 28 . 7/19/2012
Author, you're a tease with "it's only a dream". I hope Fenris will return soon. And I'm also curious, what exactly he was doing with these cuts?
Freakitten chapter 20 . 4/28/2012
Wow, awsum chapter. Really didnt expect that. Good going.
HolyCheesus chapter 16 . 3/20/2012
I am extremely confused but still enjoying the story haha

So does Inara absorb the lyrium in Fenris? does he know about it?
Freakitten chapter 15 . 3/12/2012
Okay wel im really enjoying ur stories but most of the time im not sure what your going on about :/ surfice to say some of your writing is a little vague. Please elaborate a little more? Like you say she got a cut... But... How exactly. I realize it was Fenris but that doesnt really explain much. Please if you wouldnt mind , i enjoy ur story none the less.
Lyall Fidelis chapter 15 . 3/11/2012

"How oft does he…"

Should be "often".


Anders is manipulating you, Inara! Don't fall for it! Stick with the broody elf that hurts-... Oh, that sounds terrible. Have him wear oven mittens? Just don't leave him D: It took so long for you two to finally trust one another! Don't give it up now for that suave mage!...

Or you could have both?

Gah... Integra, you better write the next part soon.
Lyall Fidelis chapter 14 . 3/7/2012

Damn you and your enticing writing and Hope Crushing hammer. I'm squealing with both delight and anguish... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...

...I'm going to cry...

I'm so angry yet so pleased at the same time.

I don't know what to feel right now. Just... just... gah...

BrennaCeDria chapter 14 . 3/7/2012
"Title was suggested by my devious friend Brenna."

*Suggested* by? You mean insisted on, I think! LOL... Anyway, you know how I feel about Broody. Looking forward to at least some more tension from the Anders side of things soon. :p
Lyall Fidelis chapter 13 . 3/6/2012
Dear Maker...

Where ARE you bringing this?

Can't... breathe... so... intense...

I want to squeel like a fangirl, but curse Anders out for touching Fenris' Hawke -grumble grumble-.

Brilliant. It takes a lot for me to feel that emotional towards characters, especially since they are not your own.

I look forward to Brenna's chapter.
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