Reviews for The Strength of a Soul
Hinatauchiha1 chapter 1 . 2/27/2017
What then poor naru was left to suffer just for sasukes selfishness? I hoped that naru would have given up in the middle of all this harships,itachi was being good to him just because naru was sasuke's only salvation otherwise he wouldn't have give a damn about naru I wish that sasuke could have learn his lesson and for naruto to let go of sasuke maybe that way he would learn to value naruto more and not until is too late and they could have being happy sooner than all the other lives,poor naruto (~)
darklightening chapter 1 . 6/19/2015
It's really sad story but definitely quite entertaining. Thanks for sharing!
Death's Champion chapter 1 . 9/14/2014
I just wanted to say that I loved this one-shot. But I also hated it (excuse my bad grammar). Mostly because I don't understand why in this life and in past lives their soul's weren't redeemed. I understood the implication of the life where Naruto and Sasuke grew up as brothers, but I don't understand why the other lives failed if Sasuke did help Naruto, even if he waited. Like Itachi's mental comment about the pictures and how once Naruto entered Sasuke's life he started smiling. If he began smiling and helped Naruto, why were they still reincarnated? So, yes I loved your story but this confusion vexed me and bugged me throughout the story. I know that the job of the reader if to make his or her own inferences based on the material we read, but I was hoping you might elaborate further.

Sorry for writing you a novel that you may not even respond to.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/18/2013
I liked the concept of this, it was unique.

My only criticism is that the conditions for Sasuke's repentance don't seem that clear. The end of the story made it seem like Sasuke had already blown his chance during this lifetime because he didn't immediately run to Itachi once he discovered that Naruto was being abused. That doesn't make sense to me since Sasuke is a child and doesn't have the emotional or moral capacity that an adult would. If an adult said he didn't think the abuse Naruto was suffering really bothered him because he always acted happy, it would sound dumb, but I can believe that a kid might think like that. Once Sasuke finally accepted that Naruto really was hurting, he did the right thing. But that's not good enough because he wasn't perfect to begin with? Because he didn't instantly fall in love with Naruto and start acting protective of him from the moment they met?

I think the "test" would be more meaningful if an older Sasuke was offered some sort of temptation (like getting power in return for leaving with Orochimaru). If Sasuke would be willing to set aside his own desires (getting power) for Naruto's happiness (staying in Konoha) then that would truly show he'd changed, much more than refusing to bully Naruto as a kid. (Canon Sasuke never bullied him, BTW. So it's not much of a test since that's one of the few crimes he wasn't guilty of to begin with.)
Ranna14 chapter 1 . 3/14/2013
OMG I LOVE THIS 3 i'm always checking your bio for new updates (hint hint ;)) and can't help but read this as well as Mutual Salvation again and again xD

Really hope you can post another multi-chap story soon! Intervention Thy Name is Bokusen'O is what originally brought me to your stories 3
jlim1031 chapter 1 . 11/21/2012
Great story! Hope Sasuke learns soon.
Oky Verlo chapter 1 . 10/8/2012
Damn but you are an amazing writer! I read this and Mutual Salvation, and I'm floored.

Good luck with everything going on in your life (your bio page claims you're going through a tonne of stuff right now) and I greatly look forward to MS' sequel.

Toodles and Love
Oky Verlo
Fireotaku18 chapter 1 . 10/3/2012
I wanted to cry!
domi75 chapter 1 . 9/6/2012
i am a fan of you, and to tell the truth i just registrated here to review your works, but as soon i did so i just could not find the way to unfold how much i get from them. till now...
first: it is perfect in itself as all you do. (guess you really overwork/think them more times to make them fluent and understandable, a real-life taste) i was thinking about this story and find it is unfinished. so much possibilities to go on, but also a lot of hope and salvation to all around (mean itachi, etc), except the one who does the sacrifice. it is as you would say: all deserves just not the one innocent as he decided once to suffer all along for the one he loves and never learns the lesson of the true meaning of life... sounds like unjustice eternity...
Crystalzap chapter 1 . 8/18/2012
wow this is different though it's kinda annoying that Sasuke hasn't learn whats needed yet...
Poor Naru-chan T_T
hyperspastic-superhero-girl chapter 1 . 7/24/2012
So sad, but very well written. Loved it.
mikako17 chapter 1 . 5/11/2012
Wow, that was really good and damn it's now polluting this plot bunny that's been jumping around in my head. Anyway, I really liked your portrayal of Itachi, Kakashi, and especially Sasuke. Not enough authors who are doing a Sasuke comes back or etc fic, put enough weight into the wrongs that Sasuke has committed. Thanks for this.
violetkisses chapter 1 . 5/5/2012
This story is so amazing.
Loganna chapter 1 . 4/24/2012
To anyone who checks reviews before reading; Read this story, without question!

The story you wrote, the words you used...

It is a master piece.

You language is beautiful, you word everything so well. There were no grammar mistakes, no flaws or poorly verbalized sentences. The story was a ever flowing river, no hitching anywhere. I read it in one breath. Only stopped once to get a drink but got hooked immediately after the first words I read.

The ideas, the plot is amazing. The combination of descriptions, memories and dialogue are completely in balance.

Can go on for hours, if my English wasn't this poorly..

Just one more thing,

Really, really, really beautiful, really!
Katherine5683 chapter 1 . 4/14/2012
I liked it alot but I kinda wanted it to keep going until they reach the end and happy ending ( because naruto CAN NOT AND WILL NOT GO TO HELL) I really did like it though :)
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