Reviews for Bitter Deals
DenIchi Hitsugaya chapter 4 . 9/3/2017
more please QAQ pls pls pls pls pls pls pls
27Tsu18Kyou chapter 4 . 11/22/2015
When will you next update?! It's getting really interesting!
Akilina chapter 4 . 9/17/2014
I'm sorry, I do not speak English very well :-) I speak French but I read your texts through Google translation. I'm actually really happy to have found you because on the French fandom Ichigo x Toshiro couple is rare and it is a shame as it's my favorite couple! :-) I have read almost all your fics on them and frankly I love it! You wrote really well and it's great that you're so much imagination about this couple :-) I noticed that it's been a while since you have nothing posted , I just hope you're not dead ;-) and will mail you after your fics . I also saw that most others are not completed and I find it sad that you stop there way because for me they are all great and deserve a sequel and a suitable end . In fact I was hooked to your story ;-) and I would like sincerely to read more of each. Since they are all awesome I really wanted to have a purpose for each :-) What I also love is the diversity of your stories is each time a different world and that's just great! :-) So I love the bad boy Ichigo and Toshiro dominant to that Ichigo upset or protector, each they are great! Same for Toshiro ( which is my favorite character, so it is always great :-)) In fact since I loved to read everything , I had thought to put a review at the end of each story not finished but I saying it would be a little stalker :-) so, I decided to post this review at the end of your latest fic , hoping that you will see and it will give you the courage to end it all :-) ( same though I doubt it's a lot of work and you certainly do not have nothing else to do ) in a nutshell here is a quick note to tell you I love your stories and sincerely hope a sequel to each ( it would be a shame to waste your talent -)) I will request to forgive me if this text does not spell correctly and if there are phrases you do not understand but I used Google translation so it does not need expect a great quality of transcription ;-)
Here is the text in French (you never know what you're interested :-) )

Je suis désolé, je ne parle pas très bien anglais :-) je parle français mais j'ai lu tes textes grâce à Google traduction. En fait je suis super contente de t'avoir trouvé parce que sur le fandom français le couple Ichigo x Toshiro est plutôt rare et c'est dommage, surtout que c'est mon couple préféré! :-) J'ai lu presque toutes tes fics sur eux et franchement j'adore! Tu écrit super bien et c'est génial que tu es tant d'imagination sur ce couple :-) j'ai remarqué que ça fait un moment que tu n'as plus rien posté, j'espère juste que tu n'es pas morte ;-) et que tu postera la suite de tes fics. J'ai vu aussi que la plupart d'autres elles ne sont pas terminés et je trouve ça triste que tu t'arrêtes en si bon chemin parce que pour moi elles sont toutes géniales et méritent une suite et une fin convenables. En fait je suis devenu accro à tes histoire ;-) et j'aimerais sincèrement pouvoir lire la suite de chacune. Comme elles sont toutes géniales j'avais vraiment envie d'avoir une fin pour chacune :-) Ce que j'aime aussi beaucoup c'est la diversité de tes histoires, c'est a chaque fois un univers différent et ça c'est juste géant! :-) J'adore autant le Ichigo bad boy et dominant envers Toshiro que le Ichigo bouleversé ou protecteur, à chaque ils sont géniaux! Pareil pour Toshiro (qui est mon personnage préféré, donc lui il est toujours génial :-) ) En fait vu que j'ai adoré tout lire, j'avais pensé mettre une review à la fin de chaque histoire pas terminé mais je me suis dis que ça ferait un peu harceleuse :-) du coup j'ai décidé de poster cette review à la fin de ta plus récente fics, en espérant que tu la verra et que ça te donnera le courage de tout finir :-) (même si je me doute que c'est beaucoup de boulot et que tu n'as certainement pas que ça à faire) en bref voilà un petit message pour te dire que j'adore tes histoires et espère sincèrement une suite a chacune d'elles (ce serait dommage de gaspiller ton talent :-) ) je te demandes de me pardonner si ce texte n'est pas correctement orthographier et si il y a des phrases que tu ne comprends pas mais j'ai utilisé Google traduction donc il ne faut pas s'attendre à une super qualité de retranscription ;-)
Zmeiss chapter 4 . 4/26/2014
What a pity that your stories are so rarely continue. Not only this, but the rest of the fandom Bleach. Thanks to you I fell in love with a couple Ichigo/Hitsugaya. Please don't stop writing! and sorry for bad English.
Koganlover6240 chapter 4 . 1/28/2014
I can't wait to read more _
AngyHitsu chapter 4 . 11/14/2013
Updated did not know you would have known said before, I like the story progresses, it is also fun to watch as Ichigo can read the thoughts of Toshiro and I really liked the third chapter was also exciting.
I feel that Ichigo feels something much deeper by Toshiro and I would like to see the continuation.
spotabc123 chapter 1 . 5/26/2013
Hey OMG it's really good I hope you update quickly I can't wait hehe omg I still love your stories till this day ... There really good PLEASE UPDATE SSSSOOOOOONNNNNN
Toshiro with love chapter 4 . 5/26/2013
Rangiku is such a sneacky one! Poor Toshiro and Hinamori. You set her straight ichigo!

I loved this chapter and want to know what's going to happen next.

Read ya soon!
Rex888 chapter 3 . 11/5/2012
Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, y u have cliffy!
Ice Dragon of the West chapter 3 . 7/10/2012
Poor Toushirou what will you do now :( you have to help Ichigo please. Ichigo stay strong he needs you!
AngyHitsu chapter 2 . 4/21/2012
That disease is that Ichigo will have none of them is able to be with the exception of Toshiro, and also that it really feels for Ichigo Toshiro really hates or is just the opposite.

Sorry for not commenting before and been very busy and I could not read all the stories at once, but I have made interesting.
Shirosaki-Yuki chapter 2 . 4/16/2012
I like your story. I hope you'll update soon because i really want to know what is happening to Ichigo...
Toshiro with love chapter 1 . 2/22/2012
This is a story I'd like to read more of.

Full of mistery, comedy and drama...

Read ya soon
BBQkitten chapter 1 . 2/17/2012
This is really good :) I can't wait for the next chapter.

Update soon?