Reviews for I'm an army doctor and I wake the dead
Katree chapter 1 . 3/12/2014
I just want to say that your work is beautiful. I think it was fantastic, and it sent butterflies fluttering in my stomach. This may be a somehow weird crossover, but you made it seem great. I have so many things I want to say about your work, and I think you should write more about this! Kudos c:
animeloveramy chapter 1 . 6/7/2012
awwww thats cute :3

loved it
emma de los nardos chapter 1 . 4/6/2012
Oooh, this is interesting. I don't know the original show, but why does John touch the soldiers a second time to let them die? Is it because they were supposed to die anyway, and he can't let them stay alive for much longer? Very intriguing.

I really felt for John and his helplessness when he was shot, how he wanted to apply his powers to himself, but then worried that he'd never be able to touch himself again! It sounds a bit like a blessing that is really a curse, like King Midas' touch. Or no?

Oh, John. Loyal, trustworthy, reliable John. Going around to the families of each fallen comrade, delivering their final messages. You are such an honorable man.

And then, the bit of humor: John has to stay away from the dead bodies, lest he touch them by accident and bring them back to life! The morgue must be his least favorite place.

And, oh - John thinking that he has finally got Sherlock to CARE about something, when he ends up strapped to a bomb...

And of course, we know where this is going. We know who will "die" next, who is destined to jump off a hospital roof. What great foreshadowing and buildup!

John's confession! My my my. Oh my god. Yes. This COULD have happened. This could have brought Sherlock back from the dead...and we get Sherlock in a sheet again, no less.

Brava. Thank you for sharing.
left and staying gone chapter 1 . 2/18/2012
This was wonderful, thank you for this. I wish Pushing Daisies was still running.