Reviews for The Importance of Proper Research
Guest chapter 1 . 1/22/2019
*laughter* Lex can be all angsty because of the age difference without the legality issue, because at their initial ages that few years means a lot more than it would once they were both in their twenties or older. But yeah, five minutes of research on google is a wonderful thing. Maybe Lex is worried about wanting to take Clark on trips out of state? Or because his residency is officially elsewhere (or was, when he was young enough for it to be relevant to him before meeting Clark) he doesn't know that either? I would laugh in delight if that had happened - Lex Luthor of all people missing something like that because he's trying to be "a better person" and responsible. *giggles*
Pri-ThePuppeteer chapter 1 . 8/27/2015
*reads A/N* LOL!

Wonder if there is a mini sequel where shows how Clark busts in Lex's office, kisses him and shouts "The age of consent if 16!" and kisses him again... Only to be interrupted by noises coming from the monitor... Lex was in the middle of a live-skype-conference (Oliver Queen was one of the businessman in that conference)

lol it seems I got my mini sequel here XD
clexfan chapter 1 . 1/11/2013
Eccentrically Peculiar chapter 1 . 8/13/2012
I love this! It completely dissolves the reservations I had about the age difference of the characters when I first started shipping this pairing earlier today.
Anon chapter 1 . 5/14/2012
Age of consent or not; It *is* a little creepy how interested Lex is in a fifteen year old boy when the show starts... and it is also a little pathetic;

still think Clex is cute; when Clark is at least 17 is a good age for stories where they get together.
Alexis Night chapter 1 . 4/23/2012
One: Freaking hilarious. That was wonderful.

Two: Confusion. Isn't age of consent and, like, legal to do it with adults totally different?
Kitty-Meow-1995 chapter 1 . 3/23/2012
I thought this story would be a clarkXChloe not Clex story...O...K...

I didn't know that it legal at Kansas when your 16 years old...

interesting plot...

Rating: 6 or 7 /10 (not sure which to choose)
Amber Esme Hermione chapter 1 . 2/21/2012
I like your author's note at the end. :) I also like the realism of the interactions between Chloe and Clark. I can see them having this conversation. Yes, Clark, Chloe would know the facts that you COULD have looked up yourself. What else is new? Also the comment about Clark not wanting to come out to his Dad in a hundred years amuses me. Also it was good of you to not linger on that angst. It's another point that gets overdone in fics.
Hebi R chapter 1 . 2/21/2012
I suspect most people think this is the default age of consent since most shows just use California's, 18. And it probably is least likely to offend. Or, unlike you, not even the professional writers do basic research. Sigh.

You get extra brownies.