Reviews for Hunting the Pegasus Jinx
Guest chapter 8 . 4/19/2018
this is fun!
N0hA chapter 8 . 8/25/2017
Lovedddddd the story u portrayed dean perfectly ️ wish there was more spn/stargate atlantis crossovers
Torke66 chapter 8 . 5/30/2016
Ha. Great job :D Ronon and Dean make a good team, and I love the way you've tied the two shows threats together into one bad guy, a ghost-wraith. Snappy Dean is fun and I liked that he was doing a journal entry about wraiths. Good question that you raised via Dean, regarding the salt water and wraith-bugs - why hasn't the show explored it? Thanks for posting. :D
reader50 chapter 8 . 7/14/2015
I'm writing a review of the whole story, not just the chapter. I like the premise, I love both Dean and Ronon and the way you wrote their characters. They seem on point with their respective series.
I enjoyed the action and the humor, their was just enough descriptions that I could see it in my mind.
I would have liked a little more background on how John knew Dean, but beggars can't be choosers.
I consider this a page turner. I'm glad I got to read it after it was completed, otherwise I would have been unhappy waiting for a new chapter. I love this, thank you.
auStraliS23 chapter 8 . 11/21/2013
Just found your story and wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed it.
Ronon and Dean are two of my all time favourites, so seeing them working together was a special treat for me, and yes, I could totally see how they would work and bond together just as you portrayed them.
Thanks for writing and sharing.
citrusbitrus chapter 8 . 10/29/2013
Well done. Great action set pieces (short and to the point - could've whumped em a little more- I'm cruel like that!) Ingenious combination of characters- 2 of my fave hard men. Some great touches to move it all along too: Loved the conflict when both wanted to deliver the killing blow: Perfect Big stag/ Little Stag. Also leadership's unease at Dean's presence is a great reason for the inevitable return (as well as lil bro!)
Ronon's show of Smarts could have been more staggering (more technical or eloquent) but all in all it was one of my fave fanfiction reads. A good Romp. Nice work!
Vi-Violence chapter 8 . 2/6/2013
So is this supposed to be marked complete?
BranchSuper chapter 8 . 5/20/2012
Just came across this fic and enjoyed it immensely. Nicely done. Any plans for another, maybe with Sam too? Stargate and Supernatural make a great crossover mix.
Anise Nadiah chapter 8 . 4/29/2012
LOL they gonna be cast buddies and that was hilarious and the thought of dean draws on sam's cast when he is sleeping! ';m laughing my ass off here. Anyway It was one great story. I like the connection between ronon and dean though i wouldn't mind if there some hurt/comfort at the end. Just like it end too soon. Other than that everything else are just awesome! Hope there's more SG/SPN crossover from you in the future ;)
ThomE.Gemcity-06 chapter 8 . 4/5/2012
This fic was awesome! You did an awesome job with the characters, and cool with the wraith ghost; great job!
ranchan-akari chapter 8 . 3/17/2012
Bwahahaha, this is AWESOME! I love how Dean and Ronon gen along, and how absolutely badass the two of them together are! ;DD
Noelani618 chapter 8 . 3/5/2012
Ah, I'm sad to see the story end. But this really was a wonderful read!

The climax was great! Man, the Wraith ghost was nasty! I'm glad Ronon killed it. Lol, and poor Dean! Now he has a cast too.

This:As Dean hobbled towards the open wormhole Ronon called after him, "Make sure you hide all the sharpies!"

"Will do!" Dean called back over his shoulder, and then he disappeared into the shimmering event horizon.

"What was that all about?" Sheppard asked Ronon.

"Dean told me what he drew on his brother's cast while he was asleep," the Satedan explained. "Now our friend's afraid of retribution." He looked at Sheppard with a big grin. "As they say on your planet, payback's a bitch."

LOL! Perfect way to end the story!

So perhaps in a while you'll write a prequel about Dean and Sheppard meeting? *is hopeful*

All in all, I really enjoyed this story. Thank you for sharing! And kudos on a job well done. :D
Noelani618 chapter 7 . 3/5/2012
Okay, Season 2 Dean is good too. He was a bit more volatile that season, but it still works well in the story. :)

Favorite line: Dean's expression could only be described as that of a cat that had a mouse by its tail.

I can sooo see this expression! Awesome description. :D

All the pieces are in place to take down the ghostie Wraith. Dean and Ronon have both been injured. Time for the showdown. Yay!

On a more serious note, I love the talk between Dean and Ronon and how open they can be with each other. I especially love that Dean opened up to someone about the events in "In My Time of Dying".

Nitpick warning! Dean actually doesn't remember anything with Tessa the reaper until Season 4 when he meets her again. But like I said, just a nitpick. ;) I still love this chapter! :)
Noelani618 chapter 6 . 3/5/2012
Ouch! Poor Ronon. Go Dean for rescuing him! I love the teamwork between these two.

There were a couple of awkward dialogue spots in this chappie that surprised me. It looked like you had gone back and changed/edited what your wrote and then forgot to erase/add a couple words. Not a big deal, but something to be aware of. :)

Hehe, and Dean calling Ronon 'Chewie' was perfect! :D
Noelani618 chapter 5 . 3/5/2012
Poor Ronon and Dean! The injuries are starting to happen. You continue to write the banter and dialogue between Dean and Ronon very well and this chapter was a lot of fun as the anticipation builds. They have a plan and the next step is putting it in motion.

There was one line that confused me slightly:

""I'd bet my Impala against a soap box that our Wraith ghost is down here somewhere."

Um, this just doesn't make sense to me. Why a soap box? Does this refer to soap box racing? I'm confused! Forgive me if its something obvious and I'm just not seeing it.

Otherwise, another solid chapter. :)
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