Reviews for The Will of Fire: Kindling the Flame
Amaterasu53 chapter 13 . 3/24
You're a great writer!
Amaterasu53 chapter 20 . 3/19
Such a great story - normally I don't like gender-benders where nearly everyone's changed, (it's just too troublesome!)
But yours is really good, believable and enjoyable. I really hope you update and continue!
mangoshake24 chapter 10 . 1/11
I love it! It's so different that its refreshing
sasunarulover chapter 7 . 10/7/2018
I think you should make sasuke have a crush on Naruto or put sasuke and Naruto together
Guest chapter 20 . 3/18/2018
Looking forward to the next chapter! I was sorta hoping for Sasuske/Narumi but I like Teruyoshi/Narumi a lot too! Keep up the good work! :)
Guest chapter 16 . 3/18/2018
I love your writing, and the way the boys interact with Narumi is adorable!
Guest chapter 10 . 3/18/2018
Love it! The characters are fun and it's amusing to watch them interact! :)
Thwelastlotus chapter 1 . 11/19/2017
Just another narumi/naruko/naru/naruto-baka fics I don't get it why does everyone want her/him to act so stupid and have the worst fashion sense in the world that's the only reason I read these fics so I can see a better naruto and a skilled one
Guest chapter 20 . 9/13/2017
Please continue this story! This is really good! :)
NekoTora243 chapter 17 . 10/2/2016
I hate when Danzo shows his ugly mug...
luxraynumberonefangirl chapter 20 . 9/8/2016
I really hope you continue this even though it has been awhile
Copper001 chapter 20 . 7/17/2016
I hope. You are continuing the story it's really good
anonymousme555 chapter 20 . 4/16/2016
This story is awesome:)
Serelena chapter 20 . 3/30/2016
Thank you so much for writing this story! I absolutely LOVE all of the changes you have made and think everything you've written so far is perfection! I hope that you are able to begin updating again someday and that you are doing well. Thanks again for such a great story!
anigasm chapter 20 . 9/15/2015
... I don't suppose you're gonna update anytime soon, huh? Well this is just me dropping in to say I seriously love this story. I doubt you'll update three years later but a fangirl can dream.
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