Reviews for Erosion
Guest chapter 36 . 1/16
You know Martha is a heartless bitch who just think that she has all knowledge in the world and she had all the to medel in the business of anyone. First she is just playing a role of critic to Castle, he never had a mother who just have his back she always find his fault in any matter where he is related even if he is not at fault and she is ready to play feminist card. But first she should look at her track record of her personal relationship before giving advice to others. Castle has never her backing fully at any mater. Even in season 8 she thought that Beckett is right to do what she is doing and Castle should just accept that because of his disappearrence that hi should have no right to question Beckett's whereabouts about their marriage.
Castle4Eva chapter 43 . 11/28/2018
I just found this story and read it through in one shot. I know it has been a while since you wrote it. I hope you are still reading your comments, since you seemed to enjoy them while you were writing the story. I enjoyed all your comments along the way, including the unheard of interruption in the middle of a chapter! Sometimes author comments can be bothersome, but yours never were. Maybe because I always had a new chapter to move onto. This story hooked me for one big reason. I love the long drawn out thought process of Castle and Beckett coming together. Sure, explosive passion is fun, but it is over so quickly. The slow burn is so much more satisfying. I love the scenes that are totally inside one of their heads, what they are thinking, what they are worried about, what the resolve to do. I can read chapter after chapter of that type of romance. Sure, some angst thrown in is good, but ultimately, the satisfaction of a happy ending makes it all worthwhile. Thank you for writing this; you are very talented and I am sad that you stopped writing for Castle.
Guest chapter 43 . 12/25/2017
This was an awesome read. The story flowed really well and the addition of the M rated chapters was amazing. I would love to read the conversation with Lanie!
AngelLonginus chapter 43 . 11/10/2017
Wow! Found this story and really enjoyed it. You’re a great writer! I loved it!
rina123nike chapter 43 . 9/14/2017
Great Story! Thank you
C-Minuscule chapter 1 . 1/10/2016
I've been looking for this story for ever! I wanna read it again!
SeannysMom chapter 43 . 10/26/2015
Very good and beautiful story ! Thank you
Annie91 chapter 43 . 4/19/2015
Re-read it (again) in one sitting, it's still amazing :) I reaallyyy like your style :)
SusanCastleFan49 chapter 18 . 9/3/2014
You stopped writing after this story. I'm so sad! I don't know if you will see this review, but I just found your story today. This chapter was just beautiful.
Bigbagofweird2 chapter 43 . 8/27/2014
Amazing. Really. Like I said before, the buildup was really delicious, made me want more. Loved how you wove the cases into the story. Loved how you 'got' the characters. I could hear them and see them. The banter was spot on. Really awesome. I can't say this about every author, but I enjoyed your author's notes. Made me giggle a lot. Oh, and I loved the humor you included in the story. Thank you SO much!
Bigbagofweird2 chapter 41 . 8/27/2014
I'm sorry. I suck at reviewing. I know this was written a couple of years ago, but still you deserve reviews. You were asking in your AN for feedback and here is mine. This is delicious. Best word to describe the buildup and the whole story. Awesomely delicious. :) Thank you so much for writing and sharing!
Dragonfishpie chapter 41 . 7/15/2014
I know this is two years old, but I still want to let you know how much I appreciate this story. There is not enough Castle fanfiction with cases!

As for the pacing, well, I got a little antsy during some of the angsty chapters, but that may have more to do with my frustration with Kate's inability to let others in. Or not - showing emotional growth through the story without excessive narration of thoughts may be the ideal? The adventure, smut, and (what there was of) fluff flowed nicely.

And I still have yet to read the final two chapters; how exciting for me!
Dragonfishpie chapter 12 . 7/14/2014
Even more awesome! So glad for your take on this relationship.
Dragonfishpie chapter 11 . 7/14/2014
You are awesome! I'm so glad you are/were a Caskett shipper, because I LOVE having the adventure part to go along with my fluff and smut. Oh, just noticed the T rating. Well, fluff and innuendo.
Guest chapter 35 . 6/11/2014
Not a fan of Martha here, she overstepped ..,
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