Reviews for Le Maschere
messie2624 chapter 1 . 8/30/2014
This is so good! Everyone was well written and in character. I loved every word!
Guest chapter 1 . 10/31/2012
continue! amazing story line!
DeeCatVenice chapter 1 . 7/30/2012
Very well-written. I'm brand new to Fanction and am reviewing stories to help the fanfic community. FYI, my story FIFTY SHADOWS OF VENICE, is coming along, please check it out and review? I am reading stories with a Venice theme.
SoledaDeMisPesares chapter 1 . 2/23/2012
Oh my! This story deserves so many reviews! Seriously it's beautiful! I mean, I enjoy the usual fluffy GerIta very much but this...

This is so rare, and beautiful and unique! It's not everyday I stumble upon a GerIta like this! I loved your Feliciano: you still kept him playful and friendly enough but the whole mystery thing going on made him a bit more... dunno, serious? Dare I say... attractive?

And you kept my favorite trait: Feliciano's ability to accomplish the impossible! Lol, stealing poor Ludwig's wallet!*giggles*

Oh, and what made it perfect were the (correct) Italian additions :3

Nice work! This goes straight to my favorites!