Reviews for Binary
Sweets And Charades chapter 1 . 8/27/2013
Was a bit confused reading "Because the Master no longer feels the urge to destroy" but then the next line with Irene made it all come together..! Loved the line about percussion and pears, and the last two paragraphs were great as well :D
Whispers From A Silver Tongue chapter 1 . 8/8/2013
So you're saying the psychopathic killer is the Doctor?
Lumina Balderson chapter 1 . 7/8/2013
I had been thinking this for a while...

Brown hair and eyes chapter 1 . 5/28/2013
Thanks for the cookie. Wow. Amazingly well written. I could totally see Doctor/Moriarty now, (perhaps that's why he kidnapped John- some small part of him wanted a companion again). Wow. Thanks for writing this!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/2/2012
You should watch the rest of Sherlock, the last episode will blow your mind. There is speculation that Benedict will appear in Doctor Who as the Master, so, we need to all cross our fingers and hope. This is good, by the way. I mean, I've never seen the Doctor be Moriarty before, he was always John or Sherlock.
Eclectic Butterfly chapter 1 . 6/17/2012
A lovely little ficlet! I loved how you compared the pairs so well. Nice work.
Loretta chapter 1 . 2/29/2012
My first reaction? Oh. My. God.

This is genius, completely genius. I love that they're actually the opposites of what one might expect. I especially adore the image of the Doctor forgetting everything and becoming Moriarty.
loveeleventhdoctor chapter 1 . 2/24/2012
oh. my. god.

just. wow. this.

this is absolutely amazing. ohmygod.

"Because the Master no longer feels the urge to destroy but the Doctor has lost River and Amy and Rory and no longer feels the urge to care." wow. that is just about the best line EVER!

(this is just about the best ficlet ever.)

i am honest to god crying because of this, because i can totally imagine it. just. wow.

this is amazing. you are amazing. thank you so much for writing this.