Reviews for but nothing is harmless
nonononoononoo chapter 1 . 8/26/2012
this is gorgeous and wonderfully expressive
thank you
Endless Secrets chapter 1 . 7/27/2012
Flawless. Possibly the best Artemis Fowl one shot I've ever read. It is absolutely, without a doubt, perfect.:)
wrr0rzxpurrt chapter 1 . 4/22/2012
I like this. I like this a lot.

You, my friend, are underappreciated, like many wonderful things in the world. I can agree with what Kitsune has said - this style, this way of putting things is different and new and fresh and it's fitting. It's not overwhelming or unrealistic or ridiculous or like many other fail romance fics you see around. It's... real, for lack of a better term, really. (What... am I even saying.)



I like this. Have I said that already?

You've managed to say a lot without using too many words. That's how some people judge art, you know - by how much you convey compared to how many strokes of a brush you had to use. This is the power of language. This is like a peek into someone's life, a real person's life. Not just a book character's.


It's realistic.

Something I've already said. Am I a broken record or what?

I'm just not getting this across.

... Um. It's striking. Yes. There's something.

It... shows things about their relationship, their personalities, their quirks. It's...


I should definitely shut up now, but I still don't think I'm accurately telling you... what... this is to me.

I should favorite this.

Yes. This will be my first favorite.


Title: YES. I love the lack of capitalization, for some reason. Gives emphasis. I'm sick of all-caps titles these days and I'm glad you didn't do that. I love how it relates to the fic, but it's not... something boring. Like "Artemis' Feelings" or whatever. Seriously. You deserve compliments on just this aspect, tbh. Titles are annoying.

Plot: There's not much of a plot, but that's because it's a oneshot. I must applaud you on your ability to accurately portray feelings without getting boring and, like Kitsune said, saying bland things like, "Oh, I love her, etc. etc."

Plot holes: N/A

Creativity: The way you wrote about it... that's new, at least for me. You focused on different things - the small things. That's what... that's what I'm talking about. This is kinda what I've been waiting for, I guess. The resaon why I still check up on every now and then - for that one good fic that makes you stay.

Theme: Bleh. This section is for long-term fics.

Symbolism: N/A

Flow/fluency: Amazing. Teach me.

Awkwardness/wording: If there's any awkwardness, I don't see it.

Transitions: N/A

Passage of time: Goes in conjunction with the fluency, really. Nothing is rushed or drawn out to epic proportions.

Characterization/character development: too short for character development, but excellent characterization.

Spelling: no mistakes have been registered

Grammar: no mistakes have been registered

Punctuation: no mistakes have been registered

Spacing: There're some quirks when you italicize things, but I'm assuming that's a problem with the site or your computer, not you.

Capitalization: no mistakes have been registered


... How long did it take to write this? If I were you, I'd be ragequitting at the lack of reviews. You deserve more.

Um, forgive me for my inept review. I think I shall hide in a corner now so you don't have to waste any more time with the likes of me
Kitsune Heart chapter 1 . 2/29/2012
Full. Of. WIN.

Finally, a pure-reflection fic that isn't down to "I love her. Does she love me? I love her, omg, so saaaaaad!" This has a lot of substance, and a definite poetry. You've got talent.

Particularly like the mention of Holly being more gun-prone, now, though I'm unsure what would have caused that. Enlightenment, plz?