Reviews for UnVeiled
ayame992 chapter 24 . 7/19
It would be interesting if they meet Dudley and his family on their vacationI can't help but thinking about this since you mentioned Surrey when they planned when to go
stuovam chapter 61 . 7/5
I love it very much!
Shivi Dhakar chapter 60 . 5/31
Hey , this is a great fanfic . I have no words to express my feelings , I can just say THIS WAS INCREDIBLE. Um...I am bery bad at short talks , so let's just skip to the main part , I read the whole fic , and now I am starving for it's sequel . I think , I just can't live without reading the sequel . If you don't mind , can you please mail me the link , It's . Please send the link...
HaveABiscuitPotter13 chapter 61 . 5/26
i have adored this slow burn of a story, its been wonderful seeing the relationships develop, i so wish there was a sequel
Elle Light chapter 61 . 5/10
I've captured me with this story. I could have never imagined Severus Snape as a little child, but once I started to read I couldn't stop (and I wouldn't have, hadn't it for having work to do and having to wake up early).
Love can do wonders and I'm so happy that he got to have a happy childhood. It was a long way, but it couldn't have been different, I guess. I do also like that you let him see that Lily wasn't perfect either. She was nice and compassionate, but her life had been way better than Severus' had ever been. I don't think she had understood him completely. For him, she had been his only friend, but he had never meant that way to her. Because she could easily make friends she never valued him the way he valued her and that's why she found it easier to give up on him. I don't blame her. It was her life and she was right to do what was best for her. Yet it doesn't mean he deserved to be alone. He should have done the same and went on with his life and find someone who values him more than she did rather than burying himself in guilt and remorse or trying to find acceptance in the wrong place.
Mewtwoz chapter 34 . 2/10
"Turn to page 394."

- Severus Snape from the Prisoner of Azkaban.
guest chapter 46 . 12/9/2019
I am gobsmacked by the reviewers who excoriate Dudley for not moving to Hogsmeade to be with his girl. The man is a Muggle! He has a Muggle job, which he must keep: he lacks the skills to earn a living in a magical community or even to be safe in one unescorted. Do these folks propose that he mooch off the Potters instead of contributing to Celia's support as he intends to do, or perhaps that he become Filch's assistant? (He wouldn't live a week as Hagrid's.)

Dudley made the least worst choice of those available to him. It's not his fault that there was no good choice.
guest chapter 41 . 12/8/2019
You are an excellent writer, but I am almighty tired of reading about little kids in excruciating detail. I've been waiting for you to pick up the pace, but it seems to be slowing down instead. When I started the fic, I expected it to get through Hogwarts by the end. My blunder. Now I doubt it'll even reach Hogwarts, and I so wanted Snape to get Lily. (No, I don't mean that I wanted a sex scene, just some assurance.)

Being stubborn, I'll probably slog through the thing to the end; but I can no longer hope for improvement. Such a waste of your talent and effort when compared to your other HP fics, especially painful now that there'll be no more.
guest chapter 36 . 12/7/2019
I'm not too sure about your statement that Sirius learns things the hard way. The hard way whomps him upside the head repeatedly and he still doesn't learn. I wish Lupin had spanked him for deliberately knocking Lily down and carelessly stomping on her hand. His transgression was so much worse than Snape's.

Better, I'd really looooove to see (though know I won't) the Powers That Be declare his second chance over (wasted!) and yank him back beyond the Veil.
guest chapter 34 . 12/7/2019
Now Lily ~does~ remember things from her past. I hope you mention in future chapters exactly ~what~ was Obliviated, if not all memories of her previous life.
guest chapter 33 . 12/7/2019
I wish you had not Obliviated Lily. It seemed unnecessary and (more important to me, anyway) only let Snape in for more unhappiness and uncertainty. Now he'll be nothing to her and worry about whether she'll be attracted to him.
guest chapter 29 . 12/6/2019
I finally stopped laughing so can tell you that the end of ch.27 was just priceless. It was so good, too, to see Severus loosen up enough to react as he did. Very well done!

I am a bit dubious about the beast master bit since I've read too many fics where almost everyone associated with Harry developed some unheard-of power. I find Marveldom unpleasantly ludicrous and hope you don't go down that road.

The section showing Severus' reaction to the accidental hit was exactly right - he would do that - but I'm rather surprised that he didn't have another flashback with the soap. After all, the Potter gang nearly choked him to death with the same stuff. Trust me: the circumstances under which one has nearly died are unforgettable.
guest chapter 24 . 12/5/2019
I'm getting rather trepidatious about Lily. Since the boys' ages were explained as the number of years since they died, will Lily then be 25? Not a good match for a five-year-old.
guest chapter 13 . 12/4/2019
I hope you don't make Snape begin to trust Black soon if ever, or (worse) have Harry start pushing him about it. Snape can force himself to be civil unless badly provoked, but he should not be nagged about being friendly. That's too much.

Given the familiars allowed at Hogwarts, I'd hope for Snape to get a Kneazle, black or tabby.
guest chapter 12 . 12/4/2019
Alas, I saw that coming the moment Lupin left the room (a really stupid move, not that he wasn't always stupid whenever around his roommates).

Yes, Harry was fair. I'd have been tempted to toss the scumbag back through the Veil, myself; but then I loathe the whole Potter gang ~and~ their conscienceless enabler, Dumbledore. Not too fond of user Lily, either; your Lily seems better.
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