Reviews for Hoppípolla
Grace5231973 chapter 6 . 2/25
I loved it! Thanks for finishing it!
Guest chapter 6 . 2/25
Loved the story!
pleasesaycaroline chapter 6 . 2/22
im CRYING this is incredible i adored every single word. i am just so starstruck wow. so damn good. every character was so entertaining and heartbreaking and brilliant. the humour was epic. ugh. my whole heart snapped at that ending! thank you so much for finishing this. ohmygod just pure perfection. UGH.
chillwithJyl chapter 6 . 2/22
OH MY GOD! I love you so much thank you for finish this Will read this on AO3 also tho hahaha
maevelin chapter 6 . 2/22
So many memories! This had been one of my most beloved fics and I have returned back to it many times despite how it was unfinished so believe me when I say that I am so grateful that you came back to it and gave it such a beautiful conclusion which I found fitting to the whole vibe of the story in general.

Thank you for not abandoning the story and most of all for writing it in the first place.
taemins chapter 6 . 2/21
i can't believe it has been seven years. a long, agonising, wonderful seven years. i don't think i have ever reviewed this fic, but i have been here silent since its inception. and by god, it is one of my favourite klaroline fics and i was so, so heartbroken that it did not receive an update. but it is here now, and it is, was wonderful. thank you for completing it. the year has barely started but this update has made it for me. thank you, thank you.
TheOneTrueBear chapter 5 . 11/29/2015
That was a great story. Such a shame it wasn't finished. Still I understand that authors can't always get to the end of stories and I still very much enjoyed it. So atmospheric and suspenseful
obscurci la lumiere chapter 5 . 8/21/2015
this story is a wonderful read!
Guest chapter 1 . 11/24/2014
omg I just found this on live journal and have been looking everywhere for the final instalment and it doesn't exist- devastation.
justaspark chapter 1 . 7/1/2014
::rocks self back and forth while whispering into the night:: "it's been five...hundred...yearssss..."

Oh lady, please do update soon. I forgot how much I loved this when you first started posting it two years ago. Please, please, please xx
Alexxis T. Swan chapter 5 . 3/17/2014
I'm still trying to figure out why Stefan needed Tyler dead- this 'truth' something else or just that he was out of control? Also don't get why Todd having a dead twin stops her from being the doppelgänger.

It'd be great if you came back to this one day. This is a really interesting and well written story,
Alexxis T. Swan chapter 3 . 3/17/2014
OMG that scene is soo intense. I feel bad for Caroline- he forced her to come. I think Stefan will show Rebekah a good time on her bday though.
Alexxis T. Swan chapter 2 . 3/17/2014
I love their lifestyle, camaraderie and that they've traipsed across the world. I'm very interested in what happened and what this scheme is.
Alexxis T. Swan chapter 1 . 3/17/2014
I've never read such awesome CarolinexDamonxStefan brotp before. I love every dialog and action. I also like how this is set one hundred years in the future. Loved Caroline's tantrum too. Everyone is incredibly in character.
pleasesaycaroline chapter 5 . 3/9/2014
Love it love it love it. I cannot even properly express my gratefulness to you for writing this. Just freakin' love it, dude.
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