Reviews for Truthfully
Guest chapter 9 . 7/24
Oh I like this Steve. I suspect you write him very well.
Guest chapter 8 . 7/24
That was fun to read the other guys. I’ve heard of some of them.
Guest chapter 7 . 7/24
This fic is so sweet. And oh, eight years ago, you were a moron once.
Guest chapter 6 . 7/24
Wow that was intense
Guest chapter 5 . 7/24
I just realized all the chapters are named after stones.
Guest chapter 4 . 7/24
That last moment between brothers is so dear
Guest chapter 3 . 7/24
The chunky monkey! The yoga! Where did he learn the phrase “don’t hate the player hate the game”? I think someone’s been watching too much TV.
Guest chapter 2 . 7/24
“Look up ‘Valhalla’” you and me both doc.
I LOVE the manicure scene.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/24
TIL what Midgard is.
Guest chapter 35 . 7/9
This story is amazing, you’re a talented author,and gosh, this Loki redemption arc is one of the best I’ve read. Soooo much kudos to you! 3
Guest chapter 4 . 5/14
Five freaking star I love this Loki had always been one of my favorites in the original myths and in the mcu i love how you put this story together thank the gods for you hehe. I love ypur writing style so much I cant stop reading!
Alechaos Ogigio 2 chapter 17 . 12/18/2019
I almost cried. Oh, who am I kidding? I definitely cried.
A random reader chapter 38 . 11/29/2019
This story is so incredible and amazing. All of the hurt and the heartbreak and the slow process of healing (the emotions you made me feel god poor Loki, I wish this was canon, because if anybody needed help and and love and therapy like this it's definitely him), with such wonderfully absurd and brilliant moments of humor woven in to balance it all out. (I mean, Loki and Steve watching What Not to Wear and other TV shows together? Loki and Tony waking up hungover together? Loki being so done because CAN NO ONE COOK FOR THEMSELVES DO I HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING AROUND HERE LOOK YOU JUST PRESS THIS BUTTON RIGHT HERE ITS NOT HARD. Loki's general wit and CAKE OMG THE WHOLE SERIES OF EVENTS WITH THE CAKE WAS HILARIOUS but also so sad that poor cake may it rest in peace).

All of the main characters, and their interactions with each other just felt so real. Caroline Moran is an absolute gem of character, and though I've never been to therapy, everything just feels /right/. The absolute ideal of what therapy should be like, how sessions should go. (I absolutely LOVE how Moran kept things professional all throughout, even when there were moments when she was tempted to go beyond that, to treat him as she would family or a best friend, or to push him to say or do more than he was willing or was needed. That she remained someone that Loki could absolutely trust and rely on, and not take advantage in any way while he's at his most vulnerable. Because it could have been so easy to cross those boundaries, to have either Moran or Loki falling in love with each other, or something like that. Some authors would have had the story go like that, which would have been awful.)

At first, I wondered why you didn't end it with either chapter 35 or 36 . Most authors probably would have ended their story at one of those points. But I'm so glad you didn't, because it NEEDED to be shown that even after all that progress made, that all the hurt and pain and feelings don't just magically go away at the end of the story. That there are still things that need to be worked through and worked out with between both Loki and Thor (but at least they'll be doing it /together/, side by side). Healing and recovery is an ongoing process, and so it's okay if you still have bad days or difficult times, as long as you don't give in to them, and try to keep doing better. Keep smiling and doing the best that you can. Keep reaching out for help and support whenever you need it. After all, /the end does not exist/, right?

Anyways, just wanted to say: Thank you so much, dear wonderful author, for writing this incredible story.
Silvanesti chapter 38 . 11/19/2019
A wonderful story that has made me both laugh and cry, and taught me quite a few new words! Very well written, with a good pace, great dialogue and a very good original character. I loved the physical interaction between the characters. Definitely one for my favourites list. Thank you.
Silvanesti chapter 17 . 11/16/2019
This chapter made me cry. Thank you again for excellent writing.
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