Reviews for Sherlock Arcade
Book girl fan chapter 6 . 12/7/2013
John sometimes seems to be the only things keeping Sherlock sane. That's a lot of pressure for a kid.
Where'sMyJam chapter 5 . 2/1/2013
That was adorable, sad, sweet, endearing, heart rending, and somehow just perfect. Hope you return to this someday.
thetravelinglemon chapter 6 . 10/6/2012
Awww, this is really lovely - a pleasure to read :)
ThePurpleDragoness chapter 6 . 8/13/2012
I love it, but I would love love it even more if there were more chapters! XD
The.Evil.Overlady chapter 1 . 7/8/2012
Hey! I've finally read the first chapter of your story and I love it! I love how you've included all the characters from the series and how similar they are to their adult counterparts. )

I'm really looking forward to reading the next chapter but I felt that I needed to review this chapter first. )

Sunnykisses chapter 6 . 7/7/2012
This touchy-feely stuff between John and Sherlock makes me super uncomfortable.
Sunnykisses chapter 5 . 7/7/2012
Another well-written chapter, your writing is lovely. However, I would look over the first paragraph again, there were noticable spelling and punctuation the story, actually, there were spelling errors.

A suggestion for a chapter would be, because of the tension in the Watson family, there is a huge fight between the parents and John while Sherlock is around.
Sunnykisses chapter 4 . 7/7/2012
This chapter was cute and funny.

There was one spelling error, where I think you meant to put 'bribe' put typed 'bride'.

Also, there were some areas where I would have added a hyphen (to connect adjectives. For example, she read this review in an oh-no-she-didn't kind of way).

You capture Sherlock's character quite well, as I have said before. However, I think John's character is a bit more difficult to capture and I think it requires more work. John Watson is more of a vague character than Sherlock even in the original short stories, as he is writing about Sherlock and not himself.

I think it's a nice touch when you show/date your corrections, it shows that you care.

Now, in the chapter, you mention Harry with her boyfriends. In the show, she is a lesbian (or perhaps bisexual, I'm not certain), so an idea might be John reeling when he finds out and goes to the 'older' Sherlock for advice.

Something I forgot last chapter-you said that Sherlock was going into the second grade. I do not know how the education system works in London, but I do not believe that they have a 'second grade'. However, I could be wrong.
Sunnykisses chapter 3 . 7/7/2012
Good chapter. Some punctuation errors (forgotten period/commas, etc.) but hardly noticible.
Sunnykisses chapter 2 . 7/7/2012
Another strong chapter. One thing I would say is that after Sherlock ousted John for theiving, I don't think he would be apt to giggle or anything of that matter. I think he would be a little angry that Sherlock knew.
Sunnykisses chapter 1 . 7/6/2012
Very interesting start. You capture Sherlock's character quite well.
Guest chapter 6 . 7/6/2012
Well, glad your finally back! Almost forgot about this story. I hope you update soon, I want to see where you're going with this.
quotegilikay chapter 6 . 7/5/2012
Aww. This is so cute. Especially the last little section.
The whole story is really good. Really well written.
Keep it up!
BlueStrawberryIII chapter 6 . 7/5/2012
No. Stop that you're making me cry! TT TT Sherlocks dad and the plane and god I can just imagine... Then the little things that he didn't miss like the cookies and stuff and OH MY GOD IM BAWLING NOW! :U

Anyways, random emotional breakdowns aside, this story is super cute (except for that part that made me cry of course :T) and I would give you an idea so you could update faster/more if my brain weren't so fried... Im really hoping someone else is more helpful than me, though ;3;
animegirl1987 chapter 6 . 7/4/2012
My, I find this far too cute to pass up on! Thank goodness I found it only this far in. I can imagine it's going to be very interesting as they grow older. I can't wait to see what you have in mind.
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