Reviews for The Crown and its Jewel
WeaponsBlue chapter 1 . 7/29/2018
I only read the beginning part and didn't go on, just because I find it such a brilliant fic.
When I realized this cp is not popular, I grieved. I know it's ridiculous to have such feelings for a cp while it can be numbered when i/n/d/i/a shows up in aph( actually I haven't read the comics. I only watched the TV—I can't find the comics on the Internet). I love them for their h/i/s/t/o/r/y, though I tried not to mix the characters' exiperience up with the real country's history even a little but I failed.
When I love a book,I will remain some pages before finishing reading it( maybe a weird habit). I love this fic and I will store it up.
xX Mochi Devil Xx chapter 1 . 4/3/2014
Wow this was utterly amazing.

I was really happy when I saw India, my country on the tags and I couldn't help but read! I am SO glad I did!

Superb characterization by the way!
Kiriva chapter 1 . 8/17/2012
"India has England pinned to the floor- it's not for a quickie or any other gallivanting that one would find entertaining- India looks down at him, face a mixture of annoyance, frustration and determination: "listen well England…" India starts, hand twisting England's face so they're eye to eye, "open your ears before…" India doesn't want to have to say it… it sounds like a threat, but he needs England to finally listen to them, "before you lose the whole of the Commonwealth, if you don't ignore South Africa now- you'll still have him around, but you'll lose about 40 other Nations… will it be worth it, especially when he'll eventually understand why we're doing this to him and then be re-invited to join the Commonwealth?""

I loved this, I liked the scatterings of South Africa in general. However, In Thatcher's defence, when she refused to sanction us it was not (completely) selfish, she new that during the sanction the poorest of the poor would suffer, and at that time our poorest people were the oppressed masses, she thought it would make it worse.

Good job!
Tsuki Amano chapter 1 . 4/15/2012
Brilliant story :) This is the first story that I've read with India in it since I heard that my country had finally, officially appeared in the series. I loved all the prompts, especially the one about the Bollywood music, because my friends and I just had an argument along those lines. That and the one where Gandhi remarks how England is India;s biggest weakness because that made me think.

But yes, rambling aside, I absolutely adored this!
Alug-Andaaz-Hai chapter 1 . 3/21/2012
I noticed there was finally an 'India' tag and I clicked it out of curiosity, not really expecting anything. Man, am I glad I did! This is just *lovely*!

I love your India, he's the perfect combination of playful, wrathful, cheerful, witty, and just about everything else needed for such a round character. What's also wonderful is that I think you were very fair. A lot of doujinshi and other art I've seen of England/India, have India as some kind of oppressor and England as a moe blob. It's almost disrespectful considering their history. But here, occasionally one's in the right and occasionally the other, and sometimes they're both just so wrong. I like that you didn't just gloss over how awful some aspects of British rule were, and I also like how you addressed that it wasn't all bad.

I think my favourite sentence is the one where the Japanese soldiers mock Indians for having fallen in love with their captors. All the sentences were wonderful, but for me that one was especially so.

Great work! I hope you'll write something for these two in the future, as well. :D
Alug-Andaaz-Hai chapter 1 . 3/21/2012
I noticed there was finally an 'India' tag and I clicked it out of curiosity, not really expecting anything. Man, am I glad I did! This is just *lovely*!

I love your India, he's the perfect combination of playful, wrathful, cheerful, witty, and just about everything else needed for such a round character. What's also wonderful is that I think you were very fair. A lot of doujinshi and other art I've seen of England/India, have India as some kind of oppressor and England as a moe blob. It's almost disrespectful considering their history. But here, occasionally one's in the right and occasionally the other, and sometimes they're both just so wrong. I like that you didn't just gloss over how awful some aspects of British rule were, and I also like how you addressed that it wasn't all bad.

I think my favourite sentence is the one where the Japanese soldiers mock Indians for having fallen in love with their captors. All the sentences were wonderful, but for me that one was especially so.

Great work! I hope you'll write something for these two in the future, as well. :D
topstar-monkey chapter 1 . 3/13/2012
You have no idea how much I love you right now. These two are just so... so amazing together! I'm just in love with your India. How you only have one review is huge mystery to me.

I can't even pick my favorite one. 4, 7 and 12 are just bits I would love to see full stories of. I hope people start to write more of this two. Because you have already given such lovely start to this couple others can just follow behind.

lady-ribbon chapter 1 . 3/3/2012
That was utterly super. These two countries have such a long and intricate relationship; there are so many ways of interpreting it.

It's great how you included both sides and both perspectives - and included all angles of their relationship.

I seriously love this couple, and I'm so glad India has finally been included in the series, because it was such a brilliant civilization with thousands of years of history.

I only wish India had been personified as a girl (as in Mother India) and I would of loved to see the relationship she would of had with Arthur in that case.

I guess she would of been the only woman he really loved or something.

Still, I love your characterization, and I wish I could give you more reviews!