Reviews for Burlap Effigies
OneTruthCup chapter 22 . 4/28
Well, I’m a little late to the party, but I’m still reading this! Your dialogue especially makes this a fic to keep track of, mainly because of all the clever comebacks, and the way you give a lot of characters something interesting to say or do, in ways that speak of extra *personality*. Plus, the humor here is quite snappy too. Quick and witty, and usually in the form of snarky verbal remarks. It’s also a great deal of fun to see all of these different characters. I’m impressed by how you manage such a large group, while still keeping them very distinct from on another.

Also, congratulations on your books! That sounds like a real accomplishment, and even though I’d always like to read more of this, I’m even happier that you’ve been able to pit some original content into the world. Be proud!
Elia Yen chapter 22 . 4/20
Hi, i really love your stories when r u gonna update this
Slade J. Wilson chapter 22 . 6/22/2018
I loved this chapter! Crane is my favorite character. Please update again I’m very interested in what happens!
UFOO9000 chapter 22 . 6/22/2018
Worth the waiiitttt
laal ratty chapter 22 . 6/21/2018
I may have done a small happy dance when I saw this had updated. :D
Nice chapter, though I def need to go and re-read from the start to remind me what's happened (in a more detailed way then IT'S ALL GOING WRONG FOR THE ROGUES, ARRRRRGH!) ;)
Lord Nitro chapter 22 . 6/21/2018
Life happens. I'd be interested in the novels, though.
Guest chapter 21 . 1/15/2018
Pls update... If you can that is.
Birdlover123 chapter 21 . 8/1/2017
I do love re-reading your stories and I completely forgot that I hadn't review this chapter, so sorry about that.
This was a great chapter that raised so many questions! Everyone is getting so tied up in the plot, even characters that I didn't expect to see!
I'm looking forward to Crane rescuing Catwoman, however that may be!
Also, with the mention of the Joker, I do wonder if Harley will make an appearance?
I think Crane quoting Jervis at the end of the chapter really does say it all. Everything is making me so curious and I can't wait to see where the plot takes us!
Great chapter! Can't wait for the next one!
Guest chapter 21 . 3/9/2017
Once again, a funny, engaging, and in-character chapter. The actions and motivations suited the characters enough, the plot is maintaining suspense, and the dialogue was funny enough for a few laughs (which is more than some fics can say). The only thing I can really say against both the chapter and story, is that the word "child" in Crane's speech, seems a bit overused;not just here, but also in previous chapters. Although, if I think about it, it might not be so much a matter of over use, so much as a matter of lacking in proper atmosphere and/or delivery for it to not sound silly or forced. Granted, that's just my own opinion, but either way, this is overall a pretty good story, and I only wish I had made myself review sooner.

Keep up the good work.
Guest chapter 21 . 3/7/2017
I liked the plot advancements. I'd like to see the other factions and a little Eddie soon. The action was a little confusing with Anarky and Red Hood just getting introduced.
Anon chapter 21 . 3/7/2017
I love Crane's reaction to the possibility of hugging a child. What a drama llama.
jacksparrowlovesme chapter 21 . 3/8/2017
Hey, sometimes after twenty-one chapters, I get confused if a character hasn't spoken up in a while.
Lord Nitro chapter 21 . 3/7/2017
Nomes chapter 20 . 1/28/2017
I can't wait for you to finish it!
Guest chapter 20 . 1/17/2017
Thank you for updating! I love that you finally mentioned Joker. I would like more Crane he is pretty awesome and I love the way you write him. He's my favorite. And as always please update soon.
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