Reviews for King's Pawn Game
Goldpen chapter 3 . 5/14/2012
So the amount of love I've got for this is overwhelming. Not to mention who you decided for the teachers practically makes me swoon thinking about what if they were my old high school teachers! Plus you've made my entire night with the remembrance that Logan is Canadian, it's kind of silly but kind of annoying when a lot of the people I talk to south of the 49th ignore that little fact. It's worse when I get those that try and correct me... I have a little too much maple in my blood to not be excited when people bring it up. Anyway I think that this fic has a great concept and I can't wait to see the next chapter!

Inactive4444 chapter 3 . 5/10/2012
Are you Guys stealing Marvel characters now, or am I just too focused on the Avengers these days? Love it, the group dynamics are hilarious.
moaaa chapter 3 . 5/2/2012
I had to say Kurt's name "VAUG NER" to get who it was, lol.

I liked this chapter, even if it was only the teachers and their problems. it was interesting.

simply anonymous chapter 3 . 5/2/2012
You know, another thing about most high school fics is that they focus exclusively on the students' lives, so although I adore reading about the chess club members, it's quite refreshing to see that you've given us a look into what the staff are up to. D
ryohei-nya chapter 3 . 5/2/2012
yessss! this day just get better. ill be looking forward to mroe. hopefully soon TwT, please, *-* anywho, cheers
simply anonymous chapter 2 . 4/6/2012
This is great! I mean, I'm usually a bit iffy about reading highschool AU fics because people either make it out to be the most wonderful experience in the world or the absolute worst experience in the known universe and beyond so seeing that you've found a happy balance in the middle is really nice. I'll definitely be sticking around to read more! Plus, totally loving the chess club thing-it's the perfect place for our favorite characters to bond. D
Inactive4444 chapter 2 . 4/1/2012
This story... Honestly, I have no idea what's you two will do next! Absolutely adore the way the characters are portrayed as teenagers. Beautiful :)
moaaa chapter 1 . 3/3/2012
You've caught my attention with the whole middle ground concept, and I look forward to an updated.

I assume this is co-author from the note at the end?

Inactive4444 chapter 1 . 3/3/2012
I'm so excited to see where you guys take this! Absolutely fascinating so far. Loved Charles embarrassment when they caught him "skimming". Awesome!