Reviews for The Full House
Sherlocked chapter 50 . 6/12
AWWWWW IIII LOOOVED IIIT! Please write more, It was amazin'
crystalrdavis1995 chapter 50 . 5/11
This was fantastic! It kept me enthralled from Chapter 1. I am sad it has to end.
Guest chapter 50 . 3/4/2019
Not only was this my favourite fan fiction ever, as I have previously said , but I personally think that you did a flute and amazing representation of Sherlock. The journey he took and changed, it was so well written, I can see this happeneing and believe it is him in an AU. Major props to everything you’ve accomplised here. Mad props.
Guest chapter 50 . 3/3/2019
The best fan fiction I have ever read. Thank you for writing this. I’ve read it about 4 times now, and although it’s taking me away from other books, I’m so glad it is XD.
I loved it. So much
offlinereader chapter 1 . 10/14/2018
Utterly beautiful story.
Elise chapter 29 . 9/16/2018
I'd like to officially thank Greg, John and Molly on behalf of us readers for punching Sherlock three times in one day, because he most certainly deserves it. Especially John who did it twice this chapter.
This is my second time reading this (absolutely brilliant) story and I had forgotten what a bloody tosser Sherlock is sometimes.
Vangogh92 chapter 49 . 8/21/2018
I’m so sad it’s almost over! I’m so glad you wrote a sequel!
I must admit, I’m surprised John is writing so much personal information in his blog. I guess I always assumed he was strictly professional in his stories (except the rare quip about sherlock’s weird habits).
I was also surprised that Mrs. Hudson was formerly the housekeeper to the Holmes family and that Mycroft was married. Maybe I’ve just been ignorant to those pieces of canon or maybe they were creative licenses?
Either way, I’m really enjoying it!
Vangogh92 chapter 32 . 8/20/2018
Oh my gosh I just love this story so much. That I love you speech was perfect. You’re right, they needed to break up in order to get their relationship on a healthy track. I also like how you made the reason he ended it believable. He definitely would have reacted that way. Mrs. Hudson smacking him every day and everyone punching Sherlock was a nice touch too.
Vangogh92 chapter 14 . 8/19/2018
I’m REALLY enjoying this. I wanted to wait until I finished to review since it’s been years since your wrote this and probably don’t care about reviews for it but I’ll forget.
Sherlock in a relationship seems like a nightmare. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good read and you’re perfect at getting his character spot on. But my god, what an absolute circus. Lol
just chillin.killin chapter 50 . 8/10/2018
This is the first Sherlock fic I've read. I was always so hesitant to read them with fear of John and sherlock relations. But I'm happy I took a chance on this.
V chapter 1 . 5/12/2018
TheGoodReader chapter 50 . 5/7/2018
Best. Fanfic. Ever! chapter 50 . 4/21/2018
I’m quite late to the party, but just wanted to throw my kudos on the pile. I’ve been completely absorbed with this story over the last few days, and am hoping that you’re still writing. If you have a Patreon or if there’s another way I can support your work, please let me know.
Angela.Rayleon chapter 50 . 1/27/2018
There is a sequel! Bless you! Honestly, I seriously hope you are writing professionally! I’m very harsh in my writing critique and how a story rolls around in your brain, and yours just floats effortlessly. You don’t expect what is going to come next, but then it happens and you think “it’s perfect, of course this would happen next”. Not to mention that you took characters from a tv show that already had their personalities built and completed followed it to a T. If I was reading this as a blind read, I would honestly think you wrote for the show. I would be so interested in reading a story with your own original characters, and that doesn’t happen often with fan fiction. So seriously, thank you for your hard work and dedication to completing this beautiful story!
Olgamona chapter 29 . 1/27/2018
Qué triste. Nunca me atrevo a leer este capítulo otra vez. Eres muy inteligente y sobresaliente. Me gusta todo lo que has creado. Gracias por tu OBRA.
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