Reviews for Safety is a Wireless Brain
Cortana Hansen chapter 1 . 3/31/2018
Aw, this was really sweet. I can easily imagine this happening. :)
Mad Scientist Sidekick chapter 1 . 1/31/2016
Oh my God ... the fluff ... the sweetness ... I am dead.

I know what you mean. I am an ardent shipper in general but I haven't been as giddy over an OTP as I am over Tess/Kevin since middle school. They're just so cute, and there's so much tenderness in that relationship. They make me feel like that excited, hopeless romantic kid I used to be.

I'm five episodes from the end of the show right now and I took a risk coming on fanfiction at all but I just wanted to see if there were a lot of stories for the show. I'm so glad I did. You captured both of their voices (and Shawn's) really well. Favoriting. Favoriting so hard.
Janna Galaxy chapter 1 . 2/14/2015
After only seeing halfway through season two, I'm so glad I finally saw the rest of the episodes otherwise I would of missed out on this couple and I'm so glad that someone wrote a story about them because they are such a sweet couple! Cute story!
Psychoslasher chapter 1 . 2/6/2015
Very beautiful fanfic, they're so cute (mainly Kevin). Jeffrey Combs is the best :)
Rollerskates190 chapter 1 . 11/30/2014
This is story is absolutly amazing. I was drawn to their abslotue devotion to each other and was looking for fanfiction of them, and I found this and am very glad that I did
Jei Hua Mae chapter 1 . 5/25/2014
I watched The 4400 entirely in first-run and I STILL come back to it on the odd occasion. Kevin and Tess are one of the biggest reasons why this show will always linger in my brain. I agree, they're one of the most perfect pairings out there-and I also am not a huge romantic fluff monger. Though when I do ship pairings, it's usually these sort of "off the beaten path" types. It was wonderful to read this standard of story when my 4400 bug bit me! Thanks, you truly did make the world a better place!
Totenkinder Madchen chapter 1 . 4/28/2012
Mein Gott, how does this story not have a review yet? The discovery that one of my favorite Justice League writers has migrated (at least a little bit) to 4400 was a joy to behold. I'm very very new to the fandom-seen about two episodes-but I discovered it through IMDB and the magic that is Jeffrey Combs, and encountering this little slice of adorable fluff has brightened what was looking to be a very, very lousy day. Thanks so much for writing this!