Reviews for Thy Instrument
shaadiaThePrincessOfWeird chapter 7 . 10/4/2013
wow. omg that was wow...arty was so evil...
update soon!
ooh chapter 1 . 7/23/2013
I love ur style dark dark dark dark
More of this story I beg u and more stories all over.i beg u I beg u please
Spudtron98 chapter 3 . 7/8/2013
Right, you've already squicked me out enough already. This whole story's about to turn into some Fifty Shades of Grey BULLSHIT, isn't it? I'm done here.
LNFRARADIANT chapter 7 . 5/23/2013
Oh man, I love this story and I'll definitely go over to Archive to finish it 8D I miss Foaly D:
Guest chapter 5 . 3/26/2013
this is really good! You get his character - the way he speaks is great. thank you!
Niddler chapter 7 . 3/19/2013
This story is awesome! So very dark and amazingly original! More please!
Ambiguous Cake chapter 7 . 3/12/2013
I was starting to lose faith that people on could write well, but lo and behold I run into this gem! I didn't think much of the summary, but that was quickly dismissed when I started reading the story itself. A little graphic, but beautifully written and captivating. The emotions people have and their reactions, how you twisted the plot to include later characters... I love it. I look forward to the next chapter greatly.
Claw chapter 7 . 3/2/2013
Dystopic indeed. Wasn't expecting Artemis to be caught doing *that* given the undercurrents with Holly. Makes for a angst-y Love Triangle though.
Wordlurker chapter 7 . 2/28/2013
Ow. Punching a demon in the mouth gotta hurt. For both parties, I guess.

It'll be interesting to see what sort of plan/scheme/plot Artemis and Minerva have cooking, and if Holly will completely flipping snap. She comes off as a bit volatile and unstable, not that I can blame her.

Keep up the good work!
Spooths chapter 7 . 2/28/2013
Oh great, A/M. How happy I am to see this. Totally was looking forward to this. And also Holly fantasising about Artemis. Upside. But random A/M is worse than Doctor/River.

I'm sure that the Demon thing will be very interesting. Looking forward to where you go with that.

The one thing I don't understand about this story is what happened to Opal. She had that World domination plan, so what happened to that?

"Cave Johnson, we're done here"(Portal 2):
Blazen chapter 7 . 2/28/2013
What's with the strange language on the plane? Or is it something wrong with Holly?

Anyway, yay for Artemis/Minerva! Hope they are going to stay together through the story.

Great chapter!
MonsterJunkie chapter 7 . 2/28/2013
Wow, this is really kind of irritating... Holly is being completely unreasonable, there has to be a break somewhere. She hasn't been raped or anything of the sort, she's got no reason to be so freaked out. Granted she was almost bought by someone who would've raped her, but Artemis has done nothing to make her hate him like she does.

I'm just kind of curious, how long is this frustrating Holly going to go on for? What was the previous relationship between Holly and Artemis that she has no amount of trust in him? He has forced her to do absolutely nothing and saved her from being raped, some appreciation would be nice!

I'd like to see this interaction between Minerva and Artemis spark something in Holly but I'm really not quite sure where you're going with this story? Will we ever get to a reasonable relationship between Artemis and Holly? Is this going to eventually be AxH? An answer to any one of these questions would be greatly appreciated.
happywritingx chapter 6 . 12/30/2012
I know you're not "on" here anymore, but still, uGH this is amazing! I'm pretty sure I've subscribed to your email list but not sure. Also, I'm on my phone since it's my only access to the internet most of the time so I can't make an account on the website in your bio. Once I get my hands on a computer I will! Amazing story as always.
Guest chapter 6 . 11/7/2012
Doesn't reply to prodigist
Painted Cricket chapter 6 . 8/26/2012
Do you give invites to Archive of Our Own? Apparently, it's required ._.

This story is more updated here than over there, just thought it was sad and kind of odd. How's your fan writing going? I've glanced at Archive for an update, but no.
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