Reviews for The Highland Terror
Dean Fiora chapter 1 . 4/30/2018
Among the so-called "humor" in this story:

- Gordie the Ghoul complains that nobody wants to buy pictures of him having sex with corpses.

- In exchange for information on a murder victim, Gordie demands that Kolchak perform fellatio on a dead black man.

- Vincenzo sticks Kolchak's head in a toilet.

If none of that strikes you as particularly funny, you're not alone. Personally, I found it revolting. Dan Sickles, what the hell were you thinking?
RLeeSmith chapter 1 . 8/13/2016
It was fun to read a Kolchak fanfic! I barely know anyone who even remembers the show, and I've probably seen every episode a dozen times (or more). As a fan, obviously, I wish this was taken a bit more seriously, but for what it was-a goofy little wink from another obvious fan-it was a good time. Some lines-"I'm afraid to use the Men's Room as it is" and "I drove around looking cool in my yellow convertible"-could have been lifted straight from the series and I got a real kick out of that. You also nailed the point-to-point way the episode would play out, especially impressive in a story this short. You've got a lot of other short stories that look interesting. I'm going to be sure to check you out!
Dr Alice chapter 1 . 7/20/2014
"You look absolutely ridiculous wearing a kilt with that silly little straw hat!" Bahaha! This was great fun to read.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/31/2013
Awesome job well written. Read just like the TV show. It was one of my fave growing up. Thank you for wrting it.
SpunSilk chapter 1 . 3/17/2012
What a parody! I was actively giggling through most all of it. 'eliminate the press from our press conference'? 'Mr. MacKolchak'? "drove away looking cool in my yellow mustang'? You've got a quick wit :-)

You took a lot of aspects of the show and carried them to their ridiculous extremes. Very entertaining. I think it's great if we can laugh at ourselves.

However, I am uncomfortable with the sexual references. Maybe I'm a prude.