Reviews for Mahou Sensei Ichigo?
OrionPax01 chapter 12 . 9/26/2018
Hey, will there be more chapters, ever? Or is this story put on a shelf?
Zabaniya chapter 15 . 3/11/2018
The main problem I had with the story is that despite the title, Ichigo doesn't really have much screen time. It would be fun to see Ichigo interact with his students but the only thing that has been shown is Negi and class 3A. If i wanted to see Negi interact with his students then i would read the manga instead.

Even the change with Makie seeing Negi instead of Asuna isn't much of a change as the latter chapters are causing Asuna to quickly replace Makie.

It should be Ichigo being the full center if the story or if Ichigo and Negi are the two maun characters then Ichigo would have much more screen time.
ARSLOTHES chapter 15 . 2/19/2018
Looking forward to when you update this fic again
jose luis chapter 15 . 11/25/2017
que siga este fict siii
dragon slayer of death 98 chapter 15 . 11/5/2016
when will we get to the good stuff
yiggdrasill chapter 1 . 4/2/2016
i know its the first chapter (those things ANYONE who writes ANYTHING look back on in shame) but i really cant see ichigo as unemployed. he was the deciding factor in two major wars and still hunts hollow, the shinigami would pay him, its not a voluntary position especially after all hes done
Thedarr24 and Draconis23 chapter 15 . 3/23/2016
how will ichigo react to negi being a mage?
LL chapter 15 . 2/9/2016
Your fanfic's biggest weakness is that Ichigo here feel like a small time side character with Momo which feel strange considering the fanfic's tile name and I admit kind of except Ichigo dealing with females classmates most of the time not in perverted situations(mostly) as considering this is a crossover with Negima.

No offense meant but it feel like you are playing it a little too safe with canon, just an idea but what if you give a rival to Ichigo like Fate is to Negi? Like say Sextum Averrncus is awake somehow and working together with Fate so that way Negi can still face off against Fate during their first fight in Kyoko Arc even though Fate is holding back while Ichigo deal with Sextum.
Guest chapter 15 . 1/24/2016
Less negi more ichigo
Dragon Rider 66 chapter 15 . 1/10/2016
hmm, well that was a good chapter, and this is a pretty good story. keep it up man. by the way, I don't see a poll on your profile.
Guest chapter 13 . 1/7/2016
Beyond tedious actually, I quit reading dis shit.
Guest chapter 12 . 1/7/2016
The more I read on, the more I start to find 'this' tedious.
BrawlBroMario chapter 15 . 1/2/2016
I love the story but it really lacks a lot of Ichigo almost every chapter, he's my favorite and I hope he gets more "screen" time.
IrishKatana chapter 15 . 1/1/2016
So I've been reading the last few chapters and there's a lack of Ichigo in them only him getting mentioned every once and awhile so what gives
Lightningblade49 chapter 15 . 1/1/2016
If she that badly wants out of that class, im sure the dean would allow her to switch if requested. Hasn't even crossed her mind lol.
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