Reviews for Breakfast
leviadrache chapter 1 . 3/4/2014
Yo, this is actually so very, very good that I remembered it until now. You wrote them really in-character, which is always hard, but also makes the fic so awesome. I liked that Ryou still worries because of the noises outside and the 'do you want a list' thing and basically the whole dialog at the end. All the cool little details made it even more enjoyable, so yeah, really, really good work, I liked it a lot!
Guest chapter 1 . 4/3/2013
"Ryou eyed it with something of the look that most people had when rabid badgers were thrust toward them."
I fell off my chair when I read this! How very appropriate XD
I just had to say that. Oh, and this: "I can think of something you might want to have in your mouth." :O And then it's kale juice! Haha, nice troll, Edo!
Anyways, splendid work :)
changeofheart505 chapter 1 . 11/25/2012
Lol! I never had a cherry pop tart. Only strawberry and it was good! -•
Celestial Clusters chapter 1 . 11/11/2012
Oh how do I love these two together. In a way they're so different, and yet, they're so much alike. The dynamics of their relationship definitely knows no bounds! As for the story itself, I really did enjoy it. I really like the way you characterize both of them, and the way they interact is fantastic. I do love the humor you sprinkled in at times as well; I must admit the whole "have in your mouth" commentary had me laughing. Your spelling and grammar is also quite wonderful! I believe you did an awesome job with this. Keep up the good work.
Rosebud647 chapter 1 . 8/22/2012
A well written piece of fanfiction.

You write Ryou very well in this story. I felt that your characterisation of Edo was a bit off at times, to be honest, but that's more or less the only flaw.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/21/2012
Coo story! I liked it and I always liked this pairing! Lol good job and keep up the good work.
Zoelle chapter 1 . 4/2/2012

It made me long for a toaster stroodle.

Thanks for writing!
Lol chapter 1 . 3/25/2012
Bloody Butterfly 104: LOL! You look like an idiot for calling me out! LOL RETARD! LOL!

Higuchimon: Keep up the great work (sarcastic voice)!
OneOfRepetition chapter 1 . 3/25/2012
Well, I don't usually read pairings like these; actually, I despise them! But this was pretty nice. However, when I read this, I felt empty, as if my feelings were washed out to sea. The characters feel like it's completely how you depicted them, and not what they plainly are. Forgive me for that, probably just me. Though, I've read your other stories, and find the same type of characterization. This was a great story, but it lacked feeling, and perhaps the characters were a bit...desolate and OOC. Hope this was helpful criticism. :)
Etaleah chapter 1 . 3/24/2012
I enjoyed this, which is saying something considering I'm not a fan of Ryo/Edo. : D Truthfully I have always wanted to see Ryo eat a Poptart. Can you have Edo take him to McDonalds next time? XD

Characterization was good and you did a nice job of describing how Ryo would react to the sweetness. Please keep up the good work!

And rude anonymous reviewer, get a life. Find something better to do than make yourself look like an idiot.
Blood Thirsty Angle chapter 1 . 3/18/2012
That was cute. It makes me now want a pop-tart
W.H.WANG chapter 1 . 3/18/2012
Nice job with keeping them in character, despite the fact that this is dubbed to be a humor fic.

Just one little typo:

"I'm surprised I didn't burn the building down. But he'd persereved* and like with everything else in his life, he'd mastered it sooner or later."

*persevered, not persereved.

This really highlights how, despite their obvious differences in just about anything and everything, they do still share a bond. Or, at least, that's what I got out of it. :) Loved it!