Reviews for New Unwanted Home
davidmarsters chapter 4 . 9/23/2016
I know it been years since u probably last looked at this story, but can u please continue on with this please please please please please please! please! please! pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssseeeeeee!.
I know u probably already wrote message on ur other books Or reviews about not contiuing the story for reasons I don't know, but can u please update .
if it's the loss in inspiration, I suggest watching the film again.
menolikee chapter 4 . 4/26/2014
will this be continued
Megan Gollan chapter 4 . 10/10/2012
Great Story! Really interesting :D
Keep going with it, you left everyone curious !
Hoellena chapter 4 . 10/9/2012
Two words: Amazingly Catchy :3
Keep going! :D
I am curious ! XD
mogi93 chapter 4 . 9/12/2012
This was really interesting, I liked it a lot :D I don't know any betas, sorry :( can't wait for more :)
Narnian Pirate chapter 4 . 9/11/2012
So, there are quite a few grammatical errors you may want to work on, like "Where is him?" Which should really be "Where is he?" Simple mistakes that could easily be fixed though. Also I think I've said this before, but it's Isabelle, not Isabella. Also at times I feel Hugo is a bit out of character. I don't believe Hugo would ever curse really, but hopefully with a beta (make sure you find one who really understands the Hugo characters and enjoyed the film) these mistakes could be fixed. Interesting plot concept though. Good luck.:)
Guest chapter 4 . 9/10/2012
Ohhh it's getting good can not wait for the next amazing chapter
Puterboy1 chapter 3 . 9/8/2012
In support of some who are waiting for chapter 4, It's gonna be as empty as Death Valley.

For the historical content, I hope you're being accurate. Also I'd like to see a small reference to "Somewhere That's Green" showing Hugo's loneliness.
mogi93 chapter 3 . 8/17/2012
Oh gosh, cliffhanger! Gah, I'm curious now :D I loved this chapter, it was so interesting! can't wait for the next one! :D
TheBFG chapter 3 . 8/5/2012
Nice chapter! I love the cliffhanger... what are August's true intentions and why is Hugo in such a mess? I can't wait to find out.
There are a few spelling and grammar mistakes here and there, such as writing a past- tense verb instead of a present- tense verb and mixing up adjectives and nouns. Fixing it up a bit will help the story a lot!
Overall, I like it a lot. I hope you will introduce some of the characters from the original story back into this fic!
Peace10 chapter 1 . 8/5/2012
OMG I love it I can't wait till Friday!:)
Lilmissycoldax55 chapter 1 . 7/26/2012
Guest chapter 1 . 7/26/2012
Please,i am BEGGING you to CONTINUE! You're killin me!
Asanatorftw chapter 1 . 7/23/2012
Please please please please update:) im dying to know what happens and ive been checking for an update every day. You should chose a day to spend a lot of time on this story and write several chapters. Thank you for writing a good story thats not actually all about hugo and isabelle falling in love.
Guest chapter 2 . 7/8/2012
Awwwww...Poor Hugo! :( I wanna give him a HUGE HUG!
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