Reviews for The Memory Remains
movieholic chapter 10 . 8/15/2008
Please, please I beg of you...update this story! I'm on my hands and knees, please continue soon!
slb44 chapter 1 . 5/8/2008
Loving this and longing for more, any chance you're still writing or is there more elsewhere?
Silvertail8 chapter 2 . 4/21/2007
I am liking this story, now if only you would update it. x)
alboppy chapter 10 . 2/18/2007
please finish this. it is great
RayRae chapter 10 . 3/18/2004
i'm glad to see that you haven't abandoned this story. i was getting a little worried. hope to see you post the next chapter soon. it's a great story.
lunatigre chapter 10 . 3/9/2004
Hey, welcome back. Glad to see the story is no longer on hold. You have John's character nailed and Sam may just need a nudge to get her moving in the same direction as her heart. I think she will have to be the one to make open the door. John may be great at seduction but he has had pretty limited experience with love and suspects Sam is only helping out of respect for their old friendship. Will it take almost losing john to shake her out of her complacency?
Stephanie Santo chapter 11 . 3/9/2004
Eagerly awaiting the next chapter.
Blue eyes6 chapter 11 . 3/8/2004
I still care. Hope to read the next chpt. soon. Good luck with finishing the story.
mimi chapter 11 . 3/8/2004
Yes, we do care, and wouldn't mind AT ALL to have one new chapter at a time (it would make the wait seem shorter), but knowing that you haven't forgotten John, and Sam, and US! is enough to make us happy.
P.S. It's funny, I was thinking over the weekend at my favourite fanfictions (mostly Profiler and Charmed - three guesses who my favourite character is, in both those shows), and I was reluctantly concluding that "someone" has given up on the very good "The Memory Remains". I'm so glad I was wrong!
Michelle JAMES chapter 11 . 3/7/2004
Erana,I was a bit disappointed to see it was just a quick note and not a chapter you posted ... but reading that you would post soon several chapters, and finish this story, it gave me hope ! I'm happy to hear you'll finish your story because I really like it and I'm curious to see ow things will end. So, keep going. Yes, you see there's still someone who cares. And i'd bet I'm not the only one ... ;o)
Julian's Angel chapter 11 . 3/7/2004
i care, too! please, post the next chapter soon! :)
kpelli chapter 11 . 3/6/2004
I care! I love this story so far, and I'm looking forward to finding out how it ends.
Maricole chapter 11 . 3/5/2004
I really encourage you to finish the story, as I am loving it - anything with John Grant in it is a winner, as far as I am concerned.
faetlrae chapter 10 . 1/24/2004
Aw! UPDATE SOON! I love the story, and the kiss was a very intuitive idea. The only thing I don't like is you messing with my mind on what they're feeling. It's very intriguing reading your story; I love how you've written both John and Sam with so many different personalities, and reactions to what one of them says/does to the other. Very impressive! Update soon!
faetlrae chapter 4 . 1/24/2004
Like the story so far (I'm only on Chapter 4.) I'm in dire need of catching up on my SJR Fic reading. I ove the plot of the story - very well though-out. I also liked the author's note in the prologue about ignoring any other fanfiction you've done because it sucked. It was a nice little piece of insight )
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