Reviews for Losing Control
Guest chapter 19 . 12/9/2012
The ending was my favorite part, it was so cute!
Cupcakes4WammyKids chapter 17 . 11/15/2012
yaaay :D finally reunited! each chapter I love this story always a bit more! :D 3
Cupcakes4WammyKids chapter 7 . 11/15/2012
Looooveee it! soo damn sweet ! *_* gonna go on reading :D
ShyNeko55 chapter 19 . 11/10/2012
I loved this story so much and I hate that it's over. Great job on this story I give it two thumbs up.
Julchen Marie Beilschmidt chapter 19 . 10/30/2012
This story was beautiful! -tears up- I loved it!
Bitblondetoday chapter 19 . 10/2/2012
Thank you for such an adorable ending to such an amazing story :')
c0da chapter 19 . 10/1/2012
Awww lol i was not expecting that, but that was really cute.
checkerboardom chapter 19 . 10/1/2012
It was short but it was also really cute. Their daughter sounds adorable! I loved the last line as well.
OtakuHime1598 chapter 18 . 9/13/2012
this chapter is so cute C,:
Bitblondetoday chapter 18 . 9/12/2012
Wow. This was I loved every single bit about the chapter. Can't wait for the epilogue. The story has been wonderful. And I'm sorry to hear about your breakdown, hope things are better now :)
ForeverMATT chapter 18 . 9/12/2012
Whoa, I was really psyched for the update! Can't wait for the epilogue.
checkerboardom chapter 18 . 9/12/2012
I really, really liked this. Even thought the chappie was kinda short I loved the POV changes and how it all came back to Matty and him contemplating on whether to cut. I also really *looks for word* appreciated how Matt showed distaste toward self-injury yet still admitted that he hadn't ever really stopped because self-injury is an addiction of sorts and not a lot of people get that. It hard to stop and even though you might not like you still think "Maybe another day". So...yeah. The whole last part of the chapter really got to me.

Also with Mello and Matt getting back together. I like how it was subtle with hand holding and small touches. Sometimes that's all you really need. So I liked how you showed their love for one another without writing a whole big smut scene.

Lastly and then I'll end this review. I liked how they all survived. That was awesome. As well as Misa's predicted cooking and how you get the feel that they all become a sort of family.

All in all I loved the chapter and can't wait for the epilogue.
ForeverMATT chapter 17 . 9/5/2012
Interesting ficcy. I like it so far. The characterization is intersting. Can't wait to read more.
checkerboardom chapter 17 . 8/28/2012
I went over to click the button for the next chapter to find none. This was a very sweet chapter and I love the story so far. I love how you kind of made the characters your own while still kept them in character. (You got skillz girl!) I completely fell in love with Mello's character in this story thought the day as I read the chapters.

I also like Sophie. Normally I can't stand when female OCs come in and for a relationship wit either Matt or Mello but I just really like her character and protectiveness of Matt. After the loss of all those he loved I think that it's so awesome that he found her as and anchir and ultimately a family member.

Now I gotta go scrub out a deep freezer!

I look forward to the next chapter.
checkerboardom chapter 8 . 8/28/2012
I'd beta for you! Lemme know if your interested and I'll give ya' my email.
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