Reviews for A View From The Fire
Guest chapter 13 . 3/4
Frogs come back! I know it’s been SO long. But I wish I wish I WISH that you’d finish. I came back to reread this from YEARS ago. Such an important story to me while I was closeted and in high school... still, I would absolutely love to read a finale. Hope you are well!
Guest chapter 13 . 2/3
Hey Frogs, hope you are doing well.
Pixiepie1985 chapter 13 . 12/10/2019
I feel like you need to get Netflix, rewatch the show for inspiration, then finish writing this shit, cuz you left it off at a terrible spot
sandrienchen84 chapter 13 . 12/4/2019
are you serious? that does not work, you just stop writing! just now, when it looks like a spectacular finale, you just disappear! I'm sorry, I did not mean to be rude! but your stories are overwhelming! I devoured your stories! that's pretty good shit! after so many years there is probably no chance that this story will continue !? but if it does, then I am the first to read with joy

Greetings from Germany :-)
pjay413 chapter 13 . 11/11/2019
Guest chapter 13 . 10/28/2019
Pleeeeaaaassssseeee come back
Stanalove chapter 13 . 10/9/2019
I just read both stories in three days. I am so curious, what happens next?!
ronye180 chapter 13 . 8/11/2019
I really loved this story dammit man wish u finished it I was obsessed after reading part 1 and couldn't get enough of it. I wanted so bad to know what will happen next with Brittana. guess its too late now to hope you might finish it :( but thank u anyway I'm sad but still thanks for taking time to wrote this.
JCBarrosTattoo chapter 13 . 2/7/2019
I am obsessing over this story! Need more! You’re incredible.
Zoppez chapter 13 . 1/13/2019
NOOOOOOOOOOO why mark as completed when it’s not completed D:

I know I’m roughly 6 years too late but I just wanted to let you know that really enjoyed this series and your writing! (also that an update would be greatly appreciated)
Guest chapter 13 . 12/5/2018
So sad you didn’t complete this
Alison chapter 13 . 11/7/2018
Hey! I always re read your stories and I'm so sad you didn't write more of this. I would really like to know what comes next. I'm sure you're busy and maybe you don't write anymore but if you're there somewhere and would like to continue with the story I Promise I'll read everything your write.
GeodeSage chapter 13 . 6/25/2018
Read both this and If Only You Could See What I See. I thought the ending perfect! Maybe we can all image a better future for them or not. Personally, as a Brittana fan I always want them together.
That said, though the story had a great deal of angst, excellent character interaction, and overall well written I personally found the characterization of Brittany much to childish for my liking. Apparently Brittany functioned well enough to work as bartender/waitress on busy chaotic nights at a restaurant but was totally clueless on how to boil macaroni. Yet in her childhood she was responsible for her own meals and any other care she needed that her parents didn't consistently provide. There were times when I thought 'Just leave her Santana!' or 'Would someone just please take Brittany to a health professional to get her some help?'. Then out of nowhere Brittany would have a totally adult interaction or conversation no stumbling over her words to express her feelings. I finally got to the point that I skimmed over all of her thought processes, looking for other characters to be involved. That is my biggest criticism if half of her thought processes had been edited out or shortened it would have made the story much more compelling and readable.
Finally I do applaud all the FF writers who take the time to write a story, post it, opening themselves up to both negative and positive praise. For that I offer a Bravo to the author!
dancingdreamers chapter 1 . 3/13/2018
Guest chapter 13 . 3/5/2018
i don’t think i’ll ever stop reading this. thank you for everything you gave us.
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