Reviews for The Perfection of Roses
Shiro Ryuu chapter 1 . 8/14/2007
So today I've been obsessively reading all the Rosiel/Katan fics I can find, starting from the beginning... I don't care what you say about it; this is by far the best one I've found so far. Not 'only' is it clear beyond all doubt that English is indeed your native language - beyond proper grammar, you use the language beautifully... and you actually seem to understand pacing and how a story should flow, and I'm beginning to feel like there's a sad lack of that in this fandom ; *spirally eyes* And that's not even touching on the plot-! Oh, poor Rosiel. The scene where he envisioned Alexiel was a creative (and beautiful) bit of insanity... And Katan-... "Such boyish innocence that Rosiel could not resist it, just as the cherub could not resist his authority. What a damnably perfect pair they made." T.T So sad and wonderful. Sexy, too, but mostly wonderful. Oh, words can't do justice to this; I'll just have to add it to my favorites.

*ponders* And on a completely different note, I think "Corruption of Roses" may have been one of the first AS fics I read; I'll have to check it out. There can't be that many insanely perfect AS writers who want Rosiel to do the nasty even though they insist on making him androgynous, can there? *snork*
Squall'sScar chapter 1 . 3/2/2007
Wow. That's what I said when I read this. I don't like Katan and Rosiel, but this was beautiful. To make a reader like something they don' genius. Thank you for writing this.
Monsieur Mimi chapter 1 . 7/3/2003
Absolutely wonderful. Haunting, poignant and with a nice bit of angst.

One of the reasons I really like this piece is it's eerie disturbing quality, which I think really works for it. In attempting to capture Rociel's state of mind (Which you did perfectly, by the way, I'm envious!), the disturbing context of the writing really helped the reader identify and see Rociel's terror of his insanity. The metaphorical (sp!sp! Rgh! lol) references to the rose petals were placed at appropriate times, and helped the piece to flow.

Rociel's vision of his sister was beautifully done, hinting at other things and allowing the reader to think about the context of "Alexiel's" sudden disappearance. It was actually quite heartbreaking to hear Rociel calling out for her, and you wrote it wonderfully.

Katan's place in the story was brilliantly written. Rociel's comfort, and subtle hints of whats to come in the final volume Angel Sanctuary... Its the little details about Katan's character that you identified in your story, such as Katan removing the thorns from the roses while Kirie did not, that really made me feel the grasp on Katan's character was perfect.

The ending scenes, were not awkward at all, and flowed perfectly with the story. Katan and Rociel's reactions, and actions, are perfect to the manga, and you wrote them very well!

An interesting point you raised, which I had not thought about, was the thought of really how androgynus Rociel actually is, and I'm very happy your fic raised it. Its given me something to think about, and discuss. As a Rociel fangirl, I'm really ashamed that I hadn't pondered it sooner!

This fiction is definately one of my favourite Rociel and Rociel-Katan pieces. Disturbing, poignant, beautiful... it has the qualities of a piece Kaori Yuki would have drawn herself. Well done!
Christi Morelei chapter 1 . 1/26/2003
Wow... I don't know what to say, except... wow. I'm a sucker for Rosiel/Katan stories, but I'm even more of a sucker for anything concerning Rosiel/Alexiel. You've just made me a very happy person. _ I particularly like the line, "What a damnably perfect pair they made." You write beautifully. This one goes on my fav's list. _
Kitty in the Box chapter 1 . 11/16/2002
whoa! this whole place around me is spinning! your fic has caused me a case of vertigo here!

okaaayyy...rewind...that was rosiel nehkid rushing forth to katan's room, ne?

hmmm...sou desu ne...

okay, that's it! i wish I WAS katan's bed! mwehehehehe...
CyberDreamer chapter 1 . 10/7/2002
How DARE you hurt my precious Rosiel?

Oh well. Beautiful writing as usual. *le sigh* Pretty, pretty, pretty. I love it.
fountain of souls chapter 1 . 9/26/2002
Your story is amazing!

For someone who isn't completely familiar with the actual manga, I'm not sure how much is yours and how much is Kaori Yuki's, but what you've done is incredibly bittersweet and, yes, angsty. It makes me hurt. Good work.
Antigone chapter 1 . 9/24/2002
eeeeeeh! that was amazing!
Kichibo chapter 1 . 8/25/2002
I don't normally read yaoi, but I happened upon this story and decided to read. I thought you captured Rosiel's personality quite well, and the overall story is good.
Annegwish chapter 1 . 7/27/2002
oh wow! This is such a good story! I really enjoyed the way you portrayed rosiel, it captured his madness and obsessions! I also liked the dream like quality to the writing, the imagery was poignant. The image of rosiel ripping roses up and being surrounded by red petals is irresistably delicious.
Emeraldus1 chapter 1 . 6/5/2002
Ahh, another good story! You definitely have these two characters nailed to a T. Katan's adoration and awe of Rosiel, Rosiel's need for that love...
Starla1 chapter 1 . 5/24/2002
Ah, that was beautiful. I like the idea of Rosiel being kinda androgynous.