Reviews for Gundam SEED: A Retelling
HamonMasterDracula chapter 6 . 9/24/2017
This is a cool story that has a lot of potential. I look forward to seeing it continue.
Rydan fall chapter 6 . 6/19/2013
Tip, look up the ZGMF-X11A Regenerate
Also look up the Hyperion.
Ad in Orb it's Murasama's(?) and any Freedom rebuild could get intresting, especialy if the Astray's Red Frame, Blue Frame and Gold Frame their data is used as well.

Really, the Freedom could have been so upgraded when the repaired her after the first war, so much so, that Shinn & Co could never have taken it down.
Right now I just hope they collect the parts they manage to cut off the ZAFT stolen Gundams.
Both suits need upgrades & the Strike needs to start using almost perfect form, might cost a bit more power, but woukd be that much more deadly.
ShadowUzumaki39 chapter 6 . 6/19/2013
I read this story from chapter one to six and it really cool. I hope you continue to update it and that you return to it soon.

And I like your OCs, they fit perfectly into the story.

I hope you have Chris save Flay's father and the ship that he's on, that way it could keep Flay from bearing the intense hate for cordinators and maybe she can learn to except that cordinators are people just like naturals are.

On top of that Chris saving her father would be a good way to cause Flay to fall in love with him.

In that way instead of using her appeal to manipulate him into killing on her behalf she could try using her body to get his attention and get him to fall in love with her.
Star1X chapter 2 . 2/14/2013
I hope you focus more on Kira than Chris this time.
Gaby chapter 5 . 11/2/2012
This is a Great story.
It,s Good to known your this around.
I hope you update your other stories soon.
19Gaspar90 chapter 5 . 11/2/2012
Well, now I see the real difference. I must say that all the changes were correct. You have added drama, and fights are much better (compared to the original version, there were battles quite boring). And the fact that you removed the 11th Fleet, was the right decision. In many ways, their behavior smacked of Mary Sue.
Guest chapter 4 . 11/1/2012
happy birthday, and thanks for finally updating this :)
ZAFT Prime chapter 3 . 5/8/2012
Hey, are you going to update soon? Or are you giving up on this fic as well? Just curious, that's all.
The Blocked Writer chapter 3 . 4/12/2012
Sorry. I've been neglecting my updates recently.

Anyway, it's still good stuff. I enjoyed reading it again.
19Gaspar90 chapter 3 . 4/6/2012
I am glad that you decided to write a remake. I must admit, some aspects of the old story is was very irritated.

I hope to see this Gundam in your history: Super Bad-Ass Perfect Strike Gundam! - wiki/GAT-X105_Perfect_Strike_Gundam
HubrisP chapter 3 . 4/6/2012
Excellent work, would you be interested in using at least two of my OCs? Keep up the excellent work!
Maxrange chapter 2 . 4/6/2012
Great story,Your Balancing the point of views are very were a number of Mistakes the Writers of Seed made that prevent the story from reaching it's potential.

They Demonize the Earth Alliance having all the Good people in it Die or Defect,they also Overvictim and made the Plants a Utopia and just gloss over What they did,like that Zaft did not need to use the N-Jammers indiscriminately to effect the entire planet to just protect ther Earth based allies,they did not affect justt the EA,s nations but Neural ones do.I think they did it to Punished all the Naturals,It,s a was justifed was to only put them in allies,s countries and the Mass drive areas.

Question is how a EA,s ship got lucky to stumble upon Lacus,s one (ther hidden plot potential here),What if Patrick Zala order leak where the Ship would be to Blue Cosmos so for Lacus to be killed by EA,to get the Chairman Angery enough so he order Zaft to Attack the EA,s Countries directly.

Another thing I do not like is keeping Flay and her Dad,as Dumb Racist,I hate Fanfiction like that,ther no proof that he was a Blue Cosmo,s member and ever if he was would he be a true Beilever or just join so that he and his Daughter not to be on ther Target list.

the Writers killed him off only to give Flay a Grudge against Coordinators.

I will love to see a story where Halberton and Flay,s Dad were part of a secret Group within the EA wokring to Undermined BlueCosmo/Logos,witout Zaft taking Advantage.

Well Akatsuki Leader13,Hope to see a update soon.
Meteor Ardbert chapter 2 . 4/4/2012
Needs more sniping type Gundams like the Dynamus of Gundam 00.

Glad to see this revised, even though I'm not a fan of original characters. Wonder if Astray and Astray X will have an actual plot in it this time.
Tanker0923 chapter 2 . 3/30/2012
A good chapter thought I do have one complaint, not so much with your writing then with this part of the gundam seed time line as a whole, even in the cannon version.

Lt. Ramius's argument for why the kids are now part of the war against Zaft is mostly a load of Bull Shit! and when she then forces Kira to fight for the EA she commits an act of war against Orb, not that the cowardly lion of Orb did anything with it.

My apologies if I've offended anyone, but it felt good to get that part out there. I look forward to your next chapter man. ;)
The Blocked Writer chapter 2 . 3/30/2012
I can't wait for the juicy stuff to get started, but, for now, it's just refreshing to see the old Raven back in action.
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