Reviews for By a Fraction of a Degree
Erica Murray chapter 92 . 7/17
Wow! What an amazing story you had put together. I came across this awhile after it was complete and decided to read it and just, wow! I am so glad I did. I always love the stories where Zack survives, because honestly, him and Cloud are my two favorite Characters. I really hope somehow, in some way, they find a way to bring him back in the remake. He’s an awesome character and I’m sure I’m not the only one who would like to see him again.

I was kind of hoping in the end that Tifa and Cloud would’ve had something going on between them (I always shipped them) but it still doesn’t take away that the story in its entirety was the best and hard to break away from.

If anyone else finished this while waiting for the next part of the game to come out, and if you like stories where Zack survives, try checking out another great and long story by JayDeeGrey. It starts with Reduced to Specimens and moves up to Digging Upwards. It’s another story you won’t regret reading. Thank you SOOOO MUCH for taking the time to write this for us! I can’t wait to see more in the future if you choose to write it. May even be cute to continue on with a story about CloudTifas relationship or maybe one for Denzel :D

Thanks again! All the best!
Laetitia-chan chapter 92 . 4/23
Eh bien, que dire à part, j'ai adoré cette histoire du début à la fin!
Franchement, elle est extra, bravo.
Je l'a garde en fav et je l'a fait partager à mes connaissances.
Merci de nous l'avoir partager.
Guest chapter 34 . 4/3
Oh my gosh this is the best fic ever
I'm gonna read this millions times and won't be bored
cyathula chapter 17 . 4/2
I’m sure it’s been a few years since you’ve even thought about this story, but it’s a damn good story so far. I’ve been reliving some FF7 in anticipation of the remake and as an escape from the covid reality we now live in. You’re a great writer; I love the twists and turns and seeing how our heroes get out of sticky situations. I look forward to many more days of adventure!
LadyMikleo chapter 2 . 12/24/2019
NocturneX chapter 34 . 11/25/2019
Interesting how Aerith regards dumbapple trees as something to be pitied. I always saw it as a boon that the Cetra could use to influence other plants into doing the same, all for the benefit of living things. She and Ifalna have a season-less garden in my own story that they take immense pride in. I guess it all depends on a certain point of view, though. Very "Star Wars", lol.
Kinusaya chapter 92 . 11/5/2019
I’m going to preface this comment by admitting that I’m a CloudxTifa fan and that I enjoyed the story for the most part so don’t take this venting too much to heart.

I’m not gonna lie, I felt like the ending and epilogue were rushed particularly with Cloud and Tifa as the situation with them was really never clarified and ambiguous. While Zach and Aerith’s arc came full circle with marriage and children...we are never given much of a hint beyond Cloud and Tifa cohabitating, even after the 13 year time jump! While both pairings were covered extensively over the course of the story, only one appeared to receive resolution.

I know this may come off a bit harsh, but in retrospect I wish I had stopped reading after Chapter 50, as even having read this second half it pains me to say it still feels unfinished.
ParadoxVII chapter 92 . 4/6/2019
I loved every minute of this story. even after 92 chapters, I wish there was more
fluffGuardian chapter 34 . 3/9/2019
Man I can't get enough of this story since you hooked me with the premise, and now you've really brought me along with your imagination. The first few chapters were kinda dry but a few more in and you really hit your stride. And this chapter ending with Zack and Aerith, astoundingly emotional, well done. Almost cathartic experiencing this moment here that the source material denies us.

Still gotta read the rest now.

Looked up your Amazon book, another person from 757? nice
Shade the Hero chapter 2 . 8/19/2018
Is it scary how the song "Calling" started playing the moment I got to the part where Cloud woke up? At the end of Advent Children, the complete version, that song plays while the hero cruises the countryside on his motorcycle. I just find that fitting, awesome and my smile would easily match Zack's when he woke up.

I don't blame Zack though, I give him props for even entering a hospital room after going through that. Friendly doctor or not.
Shade the Hero chapter 1 . 8/19/2018
This is interesting and I wish this had been the outcome instead of that bloody hilltop. Yeah, it made Cloud stronger, but it also shattered him and ended Zack. I was not okay after that. This is exciting to read!
Qriiz chapter 1 . 7/5/2018
Not realistic enough.

Ok, him ignoring that heli sound can be attributed to mental fatigue. But this is the guy that butchered an entire squadron of fully armed army.

To take him alive you need to put at the very least a dozen of Turks as distraction, and put him down with several snipers. Even then, there would be heavy casualties.

This is not about "Zack is not like that." This is about a veteran 1st class Soldier that have been betrayed, experimented and tortured and seen the same thing happen to his friend for years.

That defeat would mean the same thing repeated again.
Triforce Dragons chapter 92 . 5/19/2018
This story was amazing! Took me almost two weeks to finish reading it!
selenityshiroi chapter 58 . 1/9/2018
OMG...I have no idea if you still even look at comments on your fic, but I just want to applaud you fo this chapter. I started reading this fic because I was in a really FFVII mood but didn't have time to play the game (but somehow thought that reading 570k of fic would be less time consuming...). I've since been absolutely absorbed in this fic and have greatly been enjoying the way you have twisted the events of the original game around the small changes you made and watched the way the ripples have spread. But the MOMENT Don Corneo was mentioned I all of a sudden knew what was coming and I spent the next few paragraphs in joyful anticipation until Cloud stepped out in full crossdressing regalia. I was cackling with joy because I can't wait until that section of the game is in the remake in full HD glory. But then, oh, then your full genius was revealed. Because then Vincent stepped out. And then my year was made.
Guest chapter 45 . 6/23/2017
Really, that Butterfly Theory... Just finished Part II, and at the start of the interlude... Nice fic. Gotta be reading this when I'm not on Lux duty(KHUχ JP Version)...
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