Reviews for Zuko's Past
Genna chapter 4 . 6/28/2016
this is asum please continue
T'Challa2002 chapter 4 . 1/9/2016
I loved it! Please continue
SparkyIceblaze135 chapter 3 . 11/24/2015
Yay awesome
Guest chapter 4 . 7/21/2013
Please continue soon.
Little-Angel-22 chapter 4 . 6/17/2013
Cookie-the-Rookie chapter 1 . 2/20/2013
You misspelled 'liar'.
Vi-Violence chapter 4 . 10/10/2012
You left out the part that mentioned Ursa in Ozai and Zuko's conversation.
AllyJackson chapter 2 . 5/11/2012
I believe this could have been better if Aang had waited, and heard their conversation about Ursa and saw Zuko redirect the lightning. But that's just what I believe. If you ever try it that way, please PM me!
Bloody-Destination chapter 3 . 5/1/2012
The fight scene was good. I am terrible at righting them but I am very good at knowing one when I read it. How else would I know I am terrible at it.
Remotecat25 chapter 2 . 4/29/2012
Its a great story but i think your putting in what you would say or your own thoughts when zuko and firelord ozai were talking. Try rewatching a few episodes to better aangs personality.
Bloody-Destination chapter 2 . 4/25/2012
You are defenitly going to update and if you dont i will hunt you down and glue you to a chair and chain your hands to a computer. Do not doubt me.
lollipop-tsundere chapter 2 . 4/7/2012
Please update! i need to know what happens later!
donahermurphy chapter 1 . 3/30/2012
Some grammar mistakes:

You can refer to Fire Lord Ozai as "the Fire Lord" (using a definite artice before the title of "Fire Lord") or refer to him as "Ozai," his personal name. However, if you are using his personal name (either immediately after the title or by itsef) don't use the definite artice. He shoud be simply "Ozai" or "Fire Lord Ozai" rather than "the Ozai"

You have several run-on sentences, as well. For exmaple "I stood there dumfounded, she probaby figured it out in Ba Sing Se, why didn't we think of this?"

If you don't want to get into semi-colons and colons to seaprate independent clauses within a sentence, then it is simpler to separate the sentences. Example "I stood there dumbfounded. She had probably figured it out in Ba Sing Se; why hadn't we thought of this?"

Don't be afraid to use a period rather than a comma.

Also shown in the example above, the speaker would not use the past tense form. Instead of writing "she figured it out" or "did not think of this/ didn't think of this" it's grammatically correct to "had probaby figured it out" and "had not thought of this/ hadn't thought of this."

There are also a few instances when you slip out of agreement (Aang wonders whether "he" coud kill Ozai; he should use the pronoun "I"), and minor typos , such as using "im," rather than "I'm."

Another small tip is to spell out all quantities: "three," rather than 3.

I don't mean to be overly critical. Your English is very good, it's just not doing justice to your very wonderful ideas. I know has postings to look for beta's. Sometimes you just need a second pair of eyes.

(I'm trying to learn Irish myself, and often seem in need of that.) :)

I like the premise of your story very much, and look forward to reading more.
definatleynotafelineorcephalod chapter 1 . 3/29/2012
It seems interesting so far, but I would recommend writing out your numbers instead of using digits. Looks more official and all. Also,in your AN... _too_ many grammar mistakes, dear. Too. Not to(but it's not a big deal- its a common mistake that I make all the time). But the story does sound like it will be pretty good- wish to read more!