Reviews for Sailing Souls
uffauffauffa chapter 1 . 6/1/2018
I like the comparison that LEAH makes of LaPush. LaPush was his home, but now his house is where Embry is, and he is LaPush himself.
So sweet, I love LEAH and Embry together. So different and so complementary.
suzmac33 chapter 1 . 4/25/2015
Loved this.
ElleVipsilon chapter 1 . 9/27/2012
*w* Awesome! I love this story, it's beautifully written deep and enchanting.. I like Embry, I think you developed his character keeping the features SM gave him in her books. He's calm, relaxing, he doesn't stand out like his friends but he's definitely there it's impossibile not to notice him. I hope to read more about this couple :)
Twilighter chapter 1 . 5/11/2012
I hope u come back soon - I miss yr fics! :(
Froggy chapter 1 . 5/3/2012
I hope you come back soon - I already miss your stories. :)
FroggyMorning chapter 1 . 4/15/2012
How did I miss that you were back! SOOOOOOO happy! I can't wait to see more from you.

And this was really great writing. I felt like I was right there with Leah and Embry surrounded by nature. LOVED IT!
Wolfy chapter 1 . 4/12/2012
I didn't like this one at all it was wierd and hippie like, sorry :( It's the first time I've not liked something of yours. I did like that they were old souls forever connected and would always find each other though.
BROOKLYN'S JEAN-MARIE chapter 1 . 4/7/2012
Omg can I say this was amazing read this on my phone in the back of class and squeal throughout it xD. Ugh your such a great writer and everything you post is amazing. I've been gone for awhile but I'm so glad to be back and catch up on all your Delicious stories. Great piece of work here doll
cfgup chapter 1 . 4/6/2012
update leah and jacob paul story clear insecure waterrrrrrrrr like nowwwwwww
Hannah Banana chapter 1 . 4/4/2012
Freekin' beautiful.
connect2tjb chapter 1 . 4/4/2012
Glad you are back and as always your stories are perfection.
CallwaterLover chapter 1 . 4/2/2012
LOVE. I'd be thrilled to read more Callwater deliciousness from you
Kei Jones chapter 1 . 4/2/2012
Okay, I gotta make this quick because things finally calmed down enough at work just in enough time for me to finish up a few last end of month reports and leave to work on an Easter project. But I loved this from beginning to end and you, my dear, put out GOLD! I just melted in my bed, cuz I read it first thing this morning when I saw the alert, and it made me wish I was on a beach with a sexy WILF. Shared that same sensation and feeling with someone. Le sigh. A girl can dream and oh! Will I dream of a sexy Embry with a side of hot chocolate on a cold rainy day? Pfft, *rolls eyes* it doesn't even have to be cold or rainy or chocolate not included. I'd take that smexiness anyway. And I feel you on the Callwater - even though I'm Blackwater first. A girl has to have priorities but, hopefully, I can get back into my incomplete ideas and start shelling some Leah and WILF deliciousness. But in the meantime I will patiently await any of your updates because I know that you will not disappoint me.

Oh! And aren't those zynga games evil? Cityville hasn't been loading right so I've not been back in about a week. But Castleville OWNS me. I'm not happy with Martha Stewart pushing her Easter goods on me. I'd much prefer Michael Buble to serenade me naked - which wouldn't such a hard feat but you get my point. LOL. Alright I am ouuuuuutttttaaaaaa here. And big thanks to your sis for helping you out - not that you needed it but it's always nice to have that springboard to double check your work. 3 BYE!
Scented Hairpin chapter 1 . 4/2/2012
This was so beautiful. When she thought about La Push and the wolf being with her, it was lovely and vivid. Embry and Leah are convincing as soul mates here. I'm looking forward to any Embry/Leah oneshots from you. (and really anything else you write LOL)
Amelia Bedelia chapter 1 . 4/2/2012
Embry is such a wonderful man. He's so good and perfect for Leah. You made me believe that these two were made for eachother.
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