Reviews for More than just Teammates
Jestersky98 chapter 2 . 4/18
Why hasn't he tried to study anything? It's like he's got a aversion to books of all kinds so he doesn't even try top learn culture or his family history properly
Beacon Alum chapter 5 . 1/19
Reported for plagiarism
ymaxwell39 chapter 8 . 1/11
Why do Katie, Harry, and the other girls keep bringing up they're lovers? With the way gossip travels in Hogwarts, it would have already been all over the school, and not need repeating
dragun95 chapter 1 . 12/4/2019
Normally I read 3 chapters before saying anything but when I get the first one I realize you want to make an easy and quick story, in the first chapter you have gathered a handful of Fandom facts from the harry Potter fics, you have made Harry say very personal things to someone who barely knows more about quidich, has confessed very quickly and harry has accepted it all at once (something that harry of the canon would not do) and long etc that I do not want to continue and the truth I will not continue reading because it really shows that you want to get to a certain part of the history of your idea quickly but without going through the necessary processes (in harry potter it is something that usually goes wrong), the truth when I saw harem and 80k I realized that It would not be a good story, I just know that from experience to make a decent harem relationship it takes time, another thing is that it was a story of pure lemon, I really do not know how this story has so many fav.
mickeysofine chapter 2 . 11/2/2019
This is a laugh.

I'm out.
MystiYew chapter 1 . 9/2/2019
From the first chapter this story is 100meh', maybe sliding into the 'fuck no' category. Grammar is fine, but your writing is just bland. It's just so dry to read. OOC with no explanation, which is a big no no for me. It's fine if you want your characters to act differently from Canon but at least explain why they act differently. Harry just spilling his life story when he is a generally reserved person in Canon is just off. I'll let you off with Katie since she's basically wallpaper in Canon. Another ironic 'dumbles etc are evil/deceiving you but you're taking what I'm saying at face value without investigating or thinking for yourself', his world view has just changed abruptly as people who he depends on appear to be evil, but instead of verifying for himself he just takes it at face value. This is like believing the first Google search result is 100% true. Mcgonagall as his godmother, I don't get this one. Unless you're trying to make her seem like a bad person. Super cliche 'you can have multiple wives cuz of multiple bloodlines' and 'you're merlin's heir and more'. I mean... Eh? I could go on.

I mean it's not bad per se, but it's definitely not good. It's somewhat cringe inducing in parts too. Probably a good story to pass the time?
Rebmul chapter 3 . 7/21/2019
harry's wives when did he marry the 3 chasers
kelwin chapter 7 . 5/18/2019
waw very good fic. love it
sthrobbins chapter 2 . 2/28/2019
Lord Emrys is inventive and a touch of pure genius. It should broaden Harry's magical abilities.
arata7kasuga chapter 6 . 2/17/2019
Why would Tracey and Daphne be able to be with his lovers but he can't? That already makes it a harem so might as well just let him join so he isn't just left out...kind of unfair isn't it?
arata7kasuga chapter 4 . 2/17/2019
You go katie :3
arata7kasuga chapter 3 . 2/17/2019
Uhm, I think they girls are just as much not allowed to stay in his room as he is in theirs yes? So what does it matter which room they sneak into?
arata7kasuga chapter 2 . 2/17/2019
Why would Arhur not be mad at Ron for what he did? Hmm, in my opinion, Katie is prolly the best looking, than Alicia, than Angelina but that is just preference. :P They are all beautiful.
arata7kasuga chapter 1 . 2/17/2019
Uhh, if he owns 7% of gringotts how does he only have under 50m? Especially between 3 very,
very old houses that have been racking up interest for millennia? He should have more than 10x that at least xD

On a side note, omg, I think I love this version of Katie so far. She is so honest and caring. And affectionate :3
Tenjo chapter 4 . 12/17/2018
While it’s interesting, it’s possibly the worst written story I’ve ever seen. Harrys character is impossible to read since he technically has none. He either takes everything in stride or loses his shit at the smallest remark (conflicting personality traits). Everything is forced and rushed. He knows things he hasn’t actually learnt yet (Snapes grudge for example). The entire story is based on the girls also knowing things they frankly had no way of knowing (his heritage).
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