Reviews for Unbreakable
Guest chapter 5 . 7/31/2017
The costumes in the movies, were ridiculous.
District 4 looked like they and on blue trash bags.
District 9 I didn't even get. How was their costume linked with grain?
Let's not forget the super bad CGI fire effects. You'd think they had enough money, to actually make it good, but .
The bloodbath sucked for many reasons. Don't even get me started.
Val chapter 3 . 8/17/2013
Why is it that I always find good, interesting fanfiction that is incomplete? And that it is seemingly not going to be continued by the writer?
Guest chapter 19 . 10/10/2012
First time i cried about a clato fic:'( so good but so sad
Claudialovespeeta1 chapter 19 . 6/26/2012
The alternative ending almost made me cry... I loved your fanfic so much!
Frances Odair chapter 18 . 6/24/2012
I've enjoyed this story all the way through, but chapter eighteen nearly made me cry!
Ombre de la Lune chapter 19 . 6/13/2012
*se sent triste*

A priori, j'ai trouvé les deux derniers chapitres différents des autres. Plus pressés d'arriver à la fin et j'ai trouvé ça tu t'es largement rattrapée avec ta vision très plausible et très particulière des choses. La mort de Cato, que je n'ai absolument pas vue venir, le petit dialogue avec Brutus, vraiment très profond, qui m'a limite arraché une larme. Et puis cette "morale" avec la dernière phrase qui retentit encore et encore "I wish someone told me before I volunteered." Elle boucle parfaitement l'histoire.

Alors voilà, félicitations, c'était une très belle fic avec beaucoup de sensibilité, j'ai vraiment adoré.
MoiraBoxesTheWalls chapter 19 . 6/7/2012
I love this version of your ending. The conversation between Clove and Brutus at the end was just poignantly heartbreaking under the surface. Since other people have said so, I'll say it as well: You should write more Clato! If not, you can try writing Finnick and Annie. I'm sure you'll do great. I'm sorry I only reviewed until now, but you can count me as a fan for sure. Love ya and huggles from Canada. o

*From Moira*
sadey chapter 19 . 6/6/2012
beatiful ending:)
Mockingjay200 chapter 19 . 6/6/2012
Love the story and was wondering if you could write another alternte ending were clato survives
922cf chapter 1 . 6/5/2012
Just a few things:

Make sure to put dialouge in quotes. I got knid of confused. Also, maybe try putting her thoughts in italics.
bahels chapter 18 . 6/4/2012
Please make an alternative ending!
Dripping Tears chapter 18 . 6/3/2012
Oh my God. This chapter almost made me cry... Great fanfic!
Mockingjay200 chapter 18 . 6/2/2012
This story has such a beautiful ending but its sooo sad. I like to think this happened for clove and cato but she got to say it to him
Mockingjay200 chapter 18 . 6/2/2012
Love your story but wish clove didnt die. Can you please write an alternative ending were Clove doesn't die.
Princesschloe72 chapter 18 . 6/2/2012
That was sad! But your a really good writer(:
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