Reviews for From the bottom of the well
AtemsQueen1 chapter 1 . 5/10
This was an amazing story. I love your writing. I read it days ago and it is still haunting my thoughts. Part of me absolutely loves exactly how it ended and part of me craves some sort of happy ending even though that would probably take away from the story so I’m glad it ended the way it did.
Kittona chapter 1 . 11/22/2018
definitely worth the second read through. thank you so much for the read! I did have a couple questions, it was hard to tell time line in the story, what time period did the flashbacks take place over? was the appointment at the end the original one Jou had made or had it become a tradition that they did? also was this the day of Jou's funeral and that's why everyone thought he shouldn't be at work?
Kittona chapter 1 . 11/22/2018
waaah! so sad and soo good! you totally had me fooled, I thought it was yugi who was dead. now I have to go re-read this
Guest chapter 1 . 2/26/2017
Omg, this fanfic was the first that truly truly made me cry. It got worse when I listened to The Scientist while reading it. This is so sad. Yet I could see this happening. Their reactions were amazing. The personalities were spot on. I loved this so much! Thank you for writing it!
Chaotic Neutral Pup chapter 1 . 1/6/2015
I hate you right now you just ripped out my heart and crushed it this was so deep and sad and I had couldn't figure out where it was going until it just hit me and now I can't stop crying. Such beautiful writing you should be so proud of yourself to write such a heart wrenching tear inducing fic
Nickaustin90 chapter 1 . 5/7/2014
I was wondering what was with the countdown and now I'm crying my eyes out. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
Deep Blue Dragon chapter 1 . 5/23/2013
Wow...Just wow. that was very good although im sad that joey had to die
OtEpShAmAyA chapter 1 . 8/21/2012
So I must say, this was quite depressing. I liked the little bit of actual emotion that Kaiba displayed when Jounouchi was engulfed by the dragon's flames. That part really got to me. And then everything after that was so saddening! Jounouchi's death really got to him :\ I love how everything just fell together in this story. You did such a great job keeping everyone in character, too. Not an easy feat. I'm impressed. All in all, you did an amazing job on this!
epsillon3 chapter 1 . 5/23/2012
Wow, this was very moving and the imagery was absolutely gorgeous.

I honestly cried.

The boyish innocence that you described Jou like at the end was just so heart-wrenching, I couldn't help it.

I love your style, the last sentence was perfect.

Onto my favourites right this minute; I've already read this about three times.
yllimilly chapter 1 . 5/21/2012
I really liked this, more than the other piece I've read from you, although i'm not sure they're even comparable because they're so different. Also, it should come as no surprise how hard I fell for this oneshot because I've always been fonder of the dark, of things impossible to fix, fatalistic. I'm guessing you're planning to bring in some darkness in Break, but so far it feels more 'adventure happy-go-lucky', which I'm not complaining about, because I like that, too.

The countdown and split narratives work really nicely, and I love the magical elements that seem to be your signature - Yugi fighting dragons, fire and lava and magic in our contemporary world - I haven't read that in a while and I'm totally digging it.

The intimate scene felt just like that, understated with just the right implications. Kaiba's subdued melancholy seeped through the piece and it really made it strong.

Thank you for writing this :)

teh evil eye chapter 1 . 5/13/2012
Oh dear. Now you've made me cry. Thanks a lot...
guregure chapter 1 . 5/12/2012
Beautifully sad and strangely poignant. The format of the story is quite different, and although it's written in short sections, it doesn't detract from the overall goal. I really liked the relationship between Kaiba and Jounouchi- how they aren't able to express what they are feeling towards each other. It's quite sad that Kaiba, who was slowly learning to feel, loses the person that makes him lose control of his coldness. And although you say this has been done before, I believe this short piece stands just as well as any of those.
GothWicca chapter 1 . 4/24/2012
Wait, did Jou die in the series?
SmokedBoo chapter 1 . 4/14/2012
That was truly sad. I actually cried when I realized where it was going. I honestly haven't read a single chapter fic that was as moving as if it were a 30 chapter book.
BumblingLobster chapter 1 . 4/11/2012
This was really sad, but really, really good. I usually don't like fics about Kaiba and Jou, but this one was done very well
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