Reviews for Bedhead
Helen j fanelli chapter 1 . 5/14/2019
Loved . Very unique. No one ever wrote about her hair. Great reading thank you
Jbug chapter 1 . 6/8/2017
Very sweet and a great story!
beauty-passion-fierceintellect chapter 1 . 11/14/2016
I don't understand at all how anyone could have a problem with this story. What are they even talking about? It's almost as if they think being fascinated with someone's hair is somehow devious? Thoroughly confused. This is one of my favorite fics and I read a hell of a lot of fics. Actually, the part that made me feel uncomfortable was the "Katherine." He doesn't call her that in casual conversation. It almost felt creepy, but it just goes to show that we all have our own issues. No need to flame anyone.
ksatan624 chapter 1 . 8/5/2015
so sweetie ! j'aime beaucoup.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/7/2014
That was very cute, even adorable. But the "Katherine" was a little weird in my opinion.
FlavorCountry chapter 1 . 5/27/2014
What is all this hater-hubbub about? This is a very well written story about a man who is infatuated with his lover. He is infatuated with every aspect of her. Including her hair. Read the words. He has memorized and lovingly watched all her styles, and finds something beautiful about all of them. Long, short, straight, curly, braided, or in a bun, Castle loves her hair. THAT's what this story is about, and it is beautifully told.

I love the emotion displayed in the words. And if you think it's kinky, or weird, or not appropriate, then move on.

Beckett's hair has always been lovely. And it helps that SK's beautiful locks give form to Beckett's form; tall, strong, with great cheekbones, and amazing hair.
iges2u chapter 1 . 3/7/2014
Really wonderful and sweet story!
Guest chapter 1 . 3/5/2014
Why would anyone flame this - it a beautiful, in character story.

I am sorry you have had bad, nasty reviews (shame, shame, shame on those people).

Aussiegiilian (cant sign in at work oops!)
KrissaBelle7 chapter 1 . 3/5/2014
i loved this! It was so beautifully written and the way you captured the growth of the character along with Kate's hair was just amazing. Great job!
KroganVanguard chapter 1 . 11/22/2013
Cute fic, I can totally see Castle getting up in the morning and playing with her hair. Especially as 'Still' denotes he has noticed how it evolved.
jadedromantic13 chapter 1 . 9/23/2013
I thought this was gorgeous! I challenge anyone not to notice Kate/Stana's hair, and I completely agree that Castle would notice and catalogue it. Most recently, he actually did mention it in Still.

Don't listen to the haters, because this was lovely and I totally see what you did with it.
97 Diagon Alley chapter 1 . 8/18/2013
I loved it. Showed how Castle loves Beckett for so many reasons, how Beckett has grown so much in her story. Last sentence was perfect. Perfect.
lv2bnsb1 chapter 1 . 4/12/2013
Why would anyone flame this one shot? It's simple and beautiful and there's nothing to it but poetry. Thank you for writing it. I think a woman's hair expresses a lot about themselves, and I believe that is what the Marlowe and Company team has been doing with Beckett. It really has been fun to see as she grows it out. I personally liked it best at the end of Season3, and the start of 4, but no matter what it's still an amazing thing of beauty and this was a fun fiction. Thanks for drawing our attention to it!
firerosedreamer67 chapter 1 . 4/2/2013
Ahhhh ! Now that is love,when a loves you , no matter how your hair looks!
brookemopolitan chapter 1 . 3/31/2013
I'm signed in! (because I've gotten gutless wonders reviewing my stuff as well) and I loved it! This was gorgeous! Go ahead and delete those mean reviews... there's no point worrying about them

great stuff xxx
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